首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Boron applications to pastures: effect on herbage and soil boron concentrations

Boron applications to pastures: effect on herbage and soil boron concentrations




Abstract The effects of boron (B) applications to pastures on herbage and extractable soil B concentrations were studied at four sites in Southland and Otago, New Zealand. The application of B significantly enhanced both herbage and extractable soil B concentrations; however, no pasture yield responses to B were observed. Results from the trials suggest that herbage dry matter (DM) responses to B are unlikely unless B concentrations in clover are well below 25 μg B/g plant DM and/or extractable soil B levels are well below 0.8 μg B/g soil. A relatively small proportion (often less than 5%) of the B applied to pastures was taken up by the herbage. However, substantial amounts of applied B were present in the soil in extractable forms for periods up to 1 year after application.
机译:摘要在新西兰南地和奥塔哥州的四个地方研究了硼在草地上对牧草和可提取土壤中B的影响。硼的施用显着提高了牧草和可提取的土壤B的浓度;但是,没有观察到牧草对B的反应。试验结果表明,除非三叶草中的B浓度远低于25μgB / g植物DM和/或可提取的土壤B含量远低于0.8μgB / g土壤,否则牧草对B的反应不太可能。牧草吸收了相对较小比例的硼(通常少于5%)。但是,施用后长达1年的时间里,大量的B以可提取的形式存在于土壤中。



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