首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Selection for persistence in red clover: Influence of root disease and stem nematode

Selection for persistence in red clover: Influence of root disease and stem nematode




Abstract The cause of death of red clover plants (Trifolium pratense L.), and attributes associated with persistence of survivors, were investigated in two field plot experiments on land previously used by plant breeders for evaluating persistence of different red clover genotypes. In the first experiment, using ‘Grasslands Hamua’ red clover, most plants developed foliage symptoms of stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev) infestation and/or developed severe cortical rot or stele necrosis in their tap roots, during the first year. Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan, Trichocladium basicola (Berk. & Br.) Carmichael, Verticillium dahliae Kleb., Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc., and F. oxysporum Schlecht. were isolated from diseased roots. An internal breakdown of the upper tap root occurred following necrosis of pith tissue. The proportion of dead plants increased rapidly during the second year, and only 12.5% of plants had survived 2 years after sowing. Most plants which persisted for 2 years had dev...
机译:摘要在两个以前由植物育种家用来评估不同红三叶草基因型持久性的田间田间试验中,研究了红三叶草植物(Trifolium pratense L.)的死亡原因以及与幸存者持久性相关的属性。在第一个实验中,在第一年中,使用“哈马斯草”红三叶草,大多数植物都出现了茎线虫(Ditylenchus dipsaci(Kühn)Filipjev)侵染的叶子症状和/或自来根出现严重的皮层腐烂或碑石坏死。柱状角腐霉菌摩根菌,巴氏毛滴虫(伯克氏菌和Br。)卡迈克尔,黄萎病菌,番茄枯萎病菌(Mart。Sacc。)和F. oxysporum Schlecht。从患病的根中分离出来。髓组织坏死后,发生了上部水龙头根的内部破坏。在第二年中,死亡植物的比例迅速增加,播种后两年仅存活了12.5%。大多数植物可持续了两年。



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