首页> 外文期刊>Museum and Society >Rebecca DeRoo, The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display in France after 1968, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006

Rebecca DeRoo, The Museum Establishment and Contemporary Art: The Politics of Artistic Display in France after 1968, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006

机译:丽贝卡·德鲁(Rebecca DeRoo),《博物馆的建立与当代艺术:1968年后法国的艺术展示政治》,剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2006年



Just as the Louvre was forged on the anvil of the French Revolution, so too the Pompidou Centerwas hammered out in the wake of France's May 1968 protests. The turmoil of late-eighteenth-century France not only supplanted the ancien r¨|gime with popular sovereignty, it alsoconverted the old order's wealth into a national patrimony that - through the vessel of the Louvre- made it a compelling symbol of national resolve, civic ownership, and public access. While theMay '68 protestors were not quite so ambitious as their predecessors, they did target the mostvisible of the nation's social and cultural resources for seizure and transfiguration. Theconvulsions of each struggle erupted from a volatile mix of popular anger and utopian vision,day-to-day humiliations stoked into action by stirring ideas that interpreted causes and heraldedsolutions. But unlike the wealth and resources targeted in 1789, those of May 1968 were nowinstitutionalized as corporations, government agencies, public schools, universities, and ofcourse museums. Instead of the crown's palaces, there were university buildings, factories, anda museum (the Mus¨|e National d'Art Moderne) to occupy; and while the '68 protestors soughtto transform society, it was by reforming existing institutions to complete the unfinished work ofthe first revolution



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