首页> 外文期刊>Museum and Society >Christopher Whitehead, The Public Art Museum in Nineteenth Century Britain: The Development of the National Gallery, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

Christopher Whitehead, The Public Art Museum in Nineteenth Century Britain: The Development of the National Gallery, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

机译:克里斯托弗·怀特黑德(Christopher Whitehead),十九世纪英国的公共美术馆:国家美术馆的发展,奥尔德肖特:阿什盖特,2005年



The chief purpose of this book is indicated in its sub-title: to chart the institutional history of theNational Gallery, London, between 1850 and 1876. Most previous histories of the Gallery haveconcentrated on the assembly of the collection, and, indeed, the history of museums andgalleries has predominantly been written in terms of the pursuit and capture of works of art. Aswe all know, this is the sexy side of museum life. But we have come to see in recent years thatthe interpretation and presentation of collections, and the relations of museums with theirvisitors, are fundamentally important also. As one of a new generation of "museological"historians, Whitehead knows this. He focuses especially on architecture and display, andshows how the National Gallery moved "away from the traditions of the private collection ¨C suchas the adoption of ahistorical criteria for acquisition and display ¨C and towards a newer publicmuseology based upon a correlation of museum space with a historiographical scheme"(p.152).Part Two of the book describes the recurrent attempts to supply the Gallery withaccommodation more spacious and appropriate than that provided by the Wilkins building,completed in 1838. The story is largely of discussions, and Whitehead draws on theproceedings of a series of inquiries, notably a Parliamentary Select Committee of 1853 and aRoyal Commission of 1857. While the proceedings of such inquiries are wonderful sourcesfor historians of ideas, the inquiries themselves seldom produced much action. In the case ofthe National Gallery, the result of twenty-five years of altercation was the extension (8 rooms)designed by E.M. Barry and completed in 1876 ¨C an outcome which, Whitehead admits, is"underwhelming" (p.205).
机译:这本书的主要目的在其副标题中指出:绘制1850年至1876年间伦敦国家美术馆的制度历史。大多数以前的美术馆历史都集中于收藏的集合,以及事实上的历史。博物馆和画廊的主要内容是针对艺术品的追求和捕捉。众所周知,这是博物馆生活的性感面。但是,近年来我们发现,藏品的解释和介绍以及博物馆与参观者的关系也从根本上很重要。作为新一代的“博物馆学”历史学家之一,怀特海对此深有体会。他特别关注建筑和展示,并展示了国家美术馆如何“摆脱了私人收藏的传统,例如采用了收购和展示的历史标准”,而是根据博物馆空间与博物馆之间的相关性转向了一种新的公共博物馆学。书中的第二部分”(第152页)。这本书的第二部分描述了为画廊提供比1838年完成的威尔金斯大楼更宽敞,更合适的住所的反复尝试。这个故事主要是讨论,怀特海德画了在一系列询问的过程中,特别是1853年的议会选择委员会和1857年的皇家委员会。尽管这样的询问对于思想史家来说是很好的资料,但询问本身很少产生太大的作用。以国家美术馆为例,经过25年的争执,结果是由巴里(E.M. Barry)设计并于1876年完工的扩建(8个房间),怀特海德(Whitehead)承认,这一结果“令人难以理解”(第205页)。



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