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Publications of the Lithuanian Scientific Society: The Lithuanian Textbooks of Mathematics by Antanas Smetona (1874–1944)

机译:立陶宛科学学会的出版物:Antanas Smetona的立陶宛数学教科书(1874-1944)



Antanas Smetona (1874–1944), an active member of the Lithuanian Scientific Society (LSS) since its establishment in 1907, left a remarkable trace in the development of education in Lithuania. As President of the Republic of Lithuania he opened Pedagogical Institute in Klaipeda under the presidential order of September 18, 1935. A. Smetona’s input in creating Lithuanian schools at the beginning of the 20 th century and preparing school textbooks is evidently significant. In autumn 1915 the Lithuanian intelligentsia elected the new board, i.e. Textbook Publishing Board (TPB) at the LSS, and invited a lawyer and writer of journalese articles A. Smetona (one of the LSS’s founders) to join the TPB. He was assigned to be in charge of preparing of one of the most difficult textbooks, i.e. textbooks of arithmetic and algebra for high (secondary) schools. The success of A. Smetona’ s work, namely, publishing theoretical books and textbooks of arithmetic, is evident in the LSS‘s activity reports and in A. Smetona’s bibliography by Kisinas. “Textbook of Arithmetic Theory” (1916), also known as “Short Textbook of Arithmetic”, the second edition – “Theory of Arithmetic”, was the first A. Smetona’ s textbook on arithmetic which got acknowledgment and had even seven editions. In writing the textbook A. Smetona followed Petersburg’s German school teacher Masing’s textbook in German. In 1916 A. Smetona prepared another publication on mathematics, i.e. two-part “Textbook of Elementary Algebra” (also known as “Textbook of Algebra Theory”) which was the translation of the Russian textbook on algebra written by teacher Jakov Blumberg from Mintauja Gymnasium, where A. Smetona was taught. However, this textbook did not gain popularity. Under unfavourable conditions (the war going on, the part of the intelligentsia moving abroad) Lithuanian teaching aids on different subjects including arithmetic and algebra for high (secondary, gymnasium) schools were published. A. Smetona who was not a specialist in mathematics successfully completed the task and prepared (or translated) textbooks of arithmetic and mathematics theory which were necessary for Lithuania at that time. Similarly to other national textbooks on different subjects, textbooks of algebra and mathematics were prepared quickly, without standard Lithuanian terminology which caused didactic and linguistic inaccuracies. It is preferable to evaluate these textbooks from historical point of view. Firstly, there was an attempt to standardize the Lithuanian terminology of arithmetic and algebra. Secondly, the textbooks had influence on the development of both teaching mathematics and education in Lithuania in general. Alongside with the other LSS textbooks, the textbooks of arithmetic and algebra paved the way for national school and culture.
机译:自1907年成立以来,立陶宛科学协会(LSS)的活跃成员Antanas Smetona(1874–1944)在立陶宛的教育发展中留下了令人瞩目的踪迹。作为立陶宛共和国总统,他根据1935年9月18日的总统令在克莱佩达开设了教育学院。A. Smetona在20世纪初创建立陶宛学校和编写学校教科书方面的投入显然意义重大。 1915年秋天,立陶宛知识分子选举了新委员会,即LSS的教科书出版委员会(TPB),并邀请了律师和期刊文章A. Smetona的作家(LSS的创始人之一)加入了TPB。他被指派负责编写最困难的教科书之一,即高中(中学)的算术和代数教科书。 LSS的活动报告和Kisinas的A. Smetona的书目中都清楚地显示了A. Smetona的工作成功,即出版了数学的理论书籍和教科书。 “算术理论教科书”(1916年),也称为“算术简明教科书”,第二版“算术理论”是A. Smetona关于算术的第一本教科书,得到认可,甚至有七个版本。在编写教科书A. Smetona时,紧随了彼得斯堡德国学校老师Masing的德语教科书。 1916年,A。Smetona编写了另一本有关数学的出版物,即分为两部分的“基础代数教科书”(又称“代数理论教科书”),这是Mintauja健身房的Jakov Blumberg老师撰写的俄罗斯代数教科书的翻译,在那里教授A. Smetona。但是,这本教科书没有得到普及。在不利的条件下(战争持续进行,知识分子的一部分移居国外),立陶宛语的高等(中学,体育馆)算术和代数教具被出版。非数学专家A. Smetona成功完成了任务,并编写(或翻译了)算术和数学理论教科书,这对立陶宛当时是必不可少的。与其他国家有关不同主题的教科书类似,代数和数学教科书的编写也很迅速,没有标准的立陶宛语术语,这会引起教学和语言上的错误。从历史的角度来看,最好对这些教科书进行评估。首先,试图标准化立陶宛语的算术和代数术语。其次,这些教科书总体上影响了立陶宛的数学教学和教育发展。与其他LSS教科书一样,算术和代数教科书也为国民学校和文化铺平了道路。



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