
Beads in the World




In the past, most previous exhibitions or displays of beads at Minpaku have focused on beads of certain areas or ethnic groups; for example, Beads in Africaor Beads of Ainu (Tamasai), and The Sea Otter and Glass Beads. Exhibitions elsewhere have focused on beads of a certain period, for example, ancient beads excavated from an archeological site. There has never been any exhibition that covers beads extensively in terms of area, ethnic group and period. Our special exhibition “Beads in the World” was held to show beads of the broadest range possible: to represent almost all kinds of bead and bead work across the world, from ancient times to present, with the story of the present author’s research on beads. On the first floor the history of beads from 100,000 years ago is introduced (Sections 1–3). On the second floor the theme is beads around the world (Sections 4–6). By looking at beads on a global scale, we can begin to recognize the distinctive cultural characteristics of beads in each individual region.
机译:过去,Minpaku以前的大多数珠子展览或展示都集中在某些地区或民族的珠子上。例如,非洲的珠子或阿伊努(Tamasai)的珠子,以及海獭和玻璃珠。其他地方的展览都集中在某个时期的珠子上,例如,从考古现场发掘的古代珠子。从来没有任何展览会在面积,种族和时期方面广泛涵盖珠子。我们举办了特别展览“世界上的珠子”,展示了范围最广的珠子:代表了从远古时代到现在的世界上几乎所有种类的珠子和珠子作品,并讲述了作者对珠子的研究故事。 。在第一层介绍了100,000年前的珠子历史(第1-3节)。在二楼,主题是世界各地的珠子(第4-6节)。通过在全球范围内观察珠子,我们可以开始认识每个区域中珠子的独特文化特征。



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