首页> 外文期刊>Geologia USP : Série Científica >Imageamento digital e modelagem virtual 3D de um bloco de rocha travertina

Imageamento digital e modelagem virtual 3D de um bloco de rocha travertina




Methodological procedures adopted in the digital imagery process, in a non-conventional scale, of a block of travertine rock from the quaternary age were presented on this paper. The rock, named T-Block, weighting 21.2 ton and measuring 1.60 x 1.60 x 2.70 m, was stored in the courtyard of the Laboratório Experimental de Petróleo "Kelsen Valente" (LabPetro) at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Petrobras, the Brazilian Petroleum Company, had sponsored its shipment from Italy to Brazil in order to perform geological studies and petrophysical essays, mainly by research groups from universities and research centers of Brazil that work in the areas of reservoir characterization and 3D digital imaging. The purpose of this work was to develop a Digital Solid Model involving 3D digital imaging techniques of internal and external surfaces of the T-Block. Light Detection and Range technology and Ground Penetrating Radar were used to capture the imaging of the external and internal surfaces, respectively. Additionally, gamma ray profiles were generated by using a portable gamma-spectrometer. The use of Light Detection and Range technology combined with Ground Penetrating Radar enabled the identification and 3D mapping of three distinct radar facies, which were correlated to the three sedimentary facies already defined: "Travertine in Domes Radarfacies", "Transitional Travertine Radarfacies" and "Laminated Travertine Radarfacies". The gamma ray profiles revealed slight variation, in amplitude, of the radioactivity values. This is likely due to the fact that the sedimentary layers have the same mineralogical composition, which is mainly composed of carbonate sediments, with no siliciclastic clay and/or other radioactive mineral elements inside the more pelitic layers.
机译:本文提出了一种非常规的数字成像过程中从第四纪开始的钙华岩块的方法学程序。岩石名为T块,重21.2吨,尺寸为1.60 x 1.60 x 2.70 m,被存储在Campinas大学(UNICAMP)的Petróleo实验实验室“ Petroleio”“ Kelsen Valente”(LabPetro)的庭院中。巴西石油公司巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)赞助了从意大利运往巴西的货物,以进行地质研究和岩石物理论文,主要是由巴西大学和研究中心的研究小组在储层表征和3D数字成像领域开展工作。这项工作的目的是开发一种数字实体模型,该模型涉及T型块内外表面的3D数字成像技术。光检测和测距技术以及探地雷达分别用于捕获外表面和内表面的成像。另外,通过使用便携式伽马能谱仪生成伽马射线轮廓。将光探测和测距技术与探地雷达结合使用,可以对三个不同的雷达相进行识别和3D映射,这与已经定义的三个沉积相相关:“穹顶中的石灰华”,“过渡石灰华雷达相”和“层积的钙华雷达相”。伽马射线剖面显示出放射性值的幅度略有变化。这可能是由于这样的事实,即沉积层具有相同的矿物组成,主要由碳酸盐沉积物组成,在较老的胶体层中没有硅质粘土和/或其他放射性矿物元素。



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