首页> 外文期刊>Mathematiques et Sciences Humaines (Print) >Domaine de victoire et stratégies viables dans le cas d'une correspondance non-convexe : application à l'anthropologie des pêcheurs selon Fredrik Barth

Domaine de victoire et stratégies viables dans le cas d'une correspondance non-convexe : application à l'anthropologie des pêcheurs selon Fredrik Barth

机译:非凸对应关系下的胜利领域和可行策略:根据Fredrik Barth的观点应用于渔民人类学



The anthropologist Fredrik Barth analysed the social forms generated among Norvegian fishermen. His view is well rendered by the mathematical tools of viability theory. The largest set of states from which economic survival is still possible is calculated, as well as the right decision to take at each moment, between risk-taking and following the other vessels. Moreover, the technical condition that the image of the correspondence describing the process at work must be compact, isviolated. We deal with this difficulty and we present the algorithm.
机译:人类学家弗雷德里克·巴特(Fredrik Barth)分析了挪威渔民之间产生的社会形式。生活力理论的数学工具很好地表达了他的观点。计算了仍然可以维持经济生存的最大状态集,以及在冒险和追随其他船只之间的每个时刻做出的正确决定。而且,违反了描述工作过程的对应图像必须紧凑的技术条件。我们解决了这一难题,并提出了算法。



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