首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology >CRISPR gene perturbations provide insights for improving bacterial biofuel tolerance

CRISPR gene perturbations provide insights for improving bacterial biofuel tolerance




Economically-viable biofuel production is often limited by low levels of microbial tolerance to high biofuel concentrations. Here we demonstrate the first application of deactivated CRISPR perturbations of gene expression to improve E. coli biofuel tolerance. We construct a library of 31 unique CRISPR inhibitions and activations of gene expression in E. coli and explore their impacts on growth during ten days of exposure to n-butanol and n-hexane. We show that perturbation of metabolism and membrane-related genes induces the greatest impacts on growth in n-butanol, as does perturbation of redox-related genes in n-hexanes. We identify uncharacterized genes yjjZ and yehS with strong potential for improving tolerance to both biofuels. Perturbations demonstrated significant temporal dependencies, suggesting that rationally designing time-sensitive gene circuits can optimize tolerance. We also introduce a sgRNA-specific hyper-mutator phenotype (~2600-fold increase) into our perturbation strains using error-prone Pol1. We show that despite this change, strains exhibited similar growth phenotypes in n-butanol as before, demonstrating the robustness of CRISPR perturbations during prolonged use. Collectively, these results demonstrate the potential of CRISPR manipulation of gene expression for improving biofuel tolerance and provides constructive starting points for optimization of biofuel producing microorganisms.



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