首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology >Synergy Repetition Training versus Task Repetition Training in Acquiring New Skill

Synergy Repetition Training versus Task Repetition Training in Acquiring New Skill




Traditionally, repetitive practice of a task is used to learn a new skill, exhibiting as immediately improved performance. Research suggests, however, that a more varied training protocol, may allow for better transference of the skill to a new, but related task. In synergy-based motor control theory, fundamental motor skills, such as hand grasping, are represented with a synergy subspace that captures essential motor patterns. In this study, we propose that motor skill learning through synergy-based mechanisms may provide advantages over traditional repetition learning. A new task was designed to highlight the range of motion and dexterity of the human hand. Two separate training strategies were tested in healthy subjects: repetition training and synergy training, versus a control. All three groups showed improvements when retested on the same task. When tested on a new task, only the synergy group showed significant improvements in accuracy (9.27% increase) compared to the repetition (3.24% decline) and control (3.22% decline) groups. Average completion time was also shortest for the synergy group in the new task. A kinematic analysis revealed that the timing benefits may have resulted from the initial feed-forward portion of the task, while accuracy improvements may have derived from general improved coordination amongst the four involved fingers. These results support the use of synergy-based motor training in healthy individuals, but can potentially benefit individuals undergoing hand-based rehabilitative therapy.



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