首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >Elacatinus figaro Sazima, Moura & Rosa, 1997 (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae): Distribution extension of a Brazilian endangered endemic reef fish with comments on south-western Atlantic Ocean biogeography

Elacatinus figaro Sazima, Moura & Rosa, 1997 (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae): Distribution extension of a Brazilian endangered endemic reef fish with comments on south-western Atlantic Ocean biogeography

机译:Elacatinus figaro Sazima,Moura&Rosa,1997年(戈比目鱼:戈壁科):巴西濒危特有礁鱼的分布范围扩大,并评论了西南大西洋的生物地理



Background A new record for Elacatinus figaro , an endangered Brazilian species, is documented for Pedra do Sal, Piauí coast. We present new data about its distribution, discussing on the limits of the Brazilian Province and commenting on the IUCN criteria for evaluation on threatening status. Results Five specimens of E. figaro were collected about 550?km northward from its previously known boundary, overtaking the expectations around its real distribution as presented in the original description. Conclusions Results from E. figaro range expansion and new records of species in Brazilian coast fit the hypothesis presented in Floeter et al. (J Biogeogr 35: 22-47, 2008) of a Brazilian Zoogeographic Province, also assigned by Briggs & Bowen (J Biogeogr 39: 12-30, 2012) on a review of Marine Zoogeographic Provinces.
机译:背景资料记载了Piauí海岸的Pedra do Sal的一种濒临灭绝的巴西物种Elacatinus figaro的新记录。我们提供了有关其分布的新数据,讨论了巴西省的范围,并评论了IUCN评估威胁状态的标准。结果从先前已知的边界向北约550?km处收集了5个E. figaro的标本,超过了原始描述中关于其真实分布的预期。结论E. figaro范围扩大的结果和巴西海岸物种的新记录符合Floeter等人提出的假设。 (J Biogeogr 35:22-47,2008),也是由Briggs&Bowen(J Biogeogr 39:12-30,2012)在对海洋动物地理省的评论中指定的。



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