首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >New record for the deep-sea genus Tripoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the eastern Pacific

New record for the deep-sea genus Tripoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the eastern Pacific




Background Most species of Polyplacophora are found in shallow, coastal water, and their distribution and ecology is generally well known. On the contrary, information related with distribution, biology and ecology of deep-sea chitons is scarce. Methods Specimens of the deep-sea mollusks fauna were obtained during sampling operations of western Mexico (TALUD project) aimed at the study of invertebrate fauna occurring under the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). The material reported herein is part of the Polyplacophora fauna collected with a benthic sledge off the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula, in the eastern Pacific, Mexico. Results The deep-sea chiton Tripoplax cf. balaenophila Schwabe & Sellanes 2004 was collected in 530–625?m depth, in the following environmental conditions: dissolved oxygen, Conclusions Tripoplax cf. balaenophila is associated with the lower boundary of the Minimum Oxygen Zone occurring off western Mexico, an habitat characterized by severe hypoxic conditions and colonized by well-adapted species that are generally abundant. Assignment of species to Tripoplax or Lepidozona is still a conflictive issue. The existing discrepancy in slit number and the assignment of “ balaenophila ” to Tripoplax cannot be solved without a more thorough review of both genera. The disjunct distribution of the genera Tripoplax in the eastern Pacific is also an interesting biogeographical issue.
机译:背景技术大多数的多角菌属物种发现于沿海浅水区,其分布和生态学是众所周知的。相反,与深海Chitons的分布,生物学和生态学有关的信息很少。方法在西墨西哥西部的采样操作(TALUD项目)中获得了深海软体动物的标本,旨在研究在氧气最小区域(OMZ)下发生的无脊椎动物。本文报道的材料是在墨西哥东部太平洋下加利福尼亚州半岛西海岸外用底栖爬犁收集的多生动物群的一部分。结果深海Chiton Tripoplax cf. Tripoplax cf.收集到的Balaenophila Schwabe&Sellanes 2004是在530-625?m的深度,以下环境条件下采集的:溶解氧。花粉杆菌与墨西哥西部沿海地区的最低氧气区的下边界有关,该地区以严重的低氧条件为特征,并以适应能力强的物种丰富而定居。将物种分配给Tripoplax或Lepidozona仍然是一个有争议的问题。如果不对这两个属进行更彻底的审查,就无法解决狭缝数量和“ Balaenophila”对Tripoplax的分配存在的差异。 Tripoplax属在东太平洋的分离分布也是一个有趣的生物地理问题。



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