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Medusae and ctenophores from the Bahía Blanca Estuary and neighboring inner shelf (Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Argentina)




An updated checklist of medusae and ctenophores is presented for the first time for the area comprised by the Bahía Blanca Estuary, the adjacent shelf El Rincón and Monte Hermoso beach, on the southwest coast of Buenos Aires province (Argentina). The area is highly productive and provides several ecosystem services including fishing and tourism. Updated information on the biodiversity of medusae and ctenophores species is essential for the study area, given that these species can affect ecosystem services. The list includes 23 hydromedusae, 3 scyphomedusae, and 3 ctenophores. Five hydromedusae ( Halitiara formosa , Amphinema dinema , Aequorea forskalea , Clytia lomae and Halopsis ocellata ) were firstly observed in this area. Three species of medusae, 2 hydromedusae ( Olindias sambaquiensis and Liriope tetraphylla ) and 1 scyphomedusae ( Chrysaora lactea ) pose a potential health risk, due to their toxicity to humans. Considering the size of the study area, the Bahía Blanca region has a comparatively high species richness of hydromedusae, higher than larger zones previously studied along the temperate SW Atlantic Ocean. The present report provides the baseline knowledge of gelatinous species for the Bahía Blanca region.
机译:在布宜诺斯艾利斯省(阿根廷)西南海岸的巴伊亚布兰卡河口,相邻的埃尔林孔海滩和蒙特赫莫索海滩附近,首次发布了水母和畸形目的最新清单。该地区生产力很高,并提供包括钓鱼和旅游在内的多种生态系统服务。鉴于美杜莎和尾鳍科动物物种的生物多样性会影响生态系统服务,因此更新的信息对于研究区域至关重要。该列表包括23个水母,3个鞘水母和3个尾足类。在该地区首次发现了五个水生水母(福尔摩沙藻,两栖动物,浮游螺,,虫和ly虫)。三种美杜莎,2种加氢美杜鹃(Olindias sambaquiensis和Liriopetetraphylla)和1种甲藻(Chrysaora lactea)对人体具有潜在的健康风险。考虑到研究区域的大小,BahíaBlanca地区的水产水母种类丰富度相对较高,高于先前沿温带西南大西洋研究的较大区域。本报告提供了巴伊亚布兰卡地区胶质物种的基础知识。



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