首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >Range extension of the sesarmid crab Clistocoeloma villosum along the eastern Pacific coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan

Range extension of the sesarmid crab Clistocoeloma villosum along the eastern Pacific coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan

机译:日本伊豆半岛东太平洋沿岸海螯蟹Clistocoeloma villosum的范围扩展



Background The Pacific coastline along the southern Izu Peninsula, Japan, is strongly influenced by warm tropical waters of the Kuroshio Current. A new easternmost record of the near-threatened sesarmid crab Clistocoeloma villosum is reported from the southern part of Izu Peninsula. Methods The present study was conducted in August 2014 and February 2015, on tidal flats in the mouth of the Aono River, draining the southern part of Izu Peninsula. Crabs were collected by hand on the tidal flat substrate, under cobble stones and on the periphery of associated mangrove forests. Results and conclusion Body sizes and morphological characteristics closely matched existing descriptions of C. villosum , the distribution range having been extended ca. 350?km eastward from the Kii Peninsula (traditional eastern boundary of the species), suggesting broad northeastwardly directed planktonic larval transport by the warm Kuroshio Current along the Pacific coast of Japan. The survival and settlement of larvae of this southern species along the southern coast of the Izu Peninsula, is evidence of the suitability of the small gravel dominated tidal flats in the region as habitat for the species.
机译:背景技术日本伊豆半岛南部的太平洋海岸线受到黑潮洋流温暖的热带水域的强烈影响。据报道,伊豆半岛南部最近濒临灭绝的海螯虾蟹Clistocoeloma villosum的新记录。方法本研究于2014年8月和2015年2月在伊豆半岛南部流域的青野川口的滩涂上进行。手工收集在潮汐平坦基底,卵石下面和相关的红树林周围的螃蟹。结果与结论体形大小和形态特征与C. villosum的现有描述非常吻合,其分布范围已扩大到大约。从纪伊半岛(该物种的传统东部边界)向东350千米,这表明温暖的黑潮海流沿日本太平洋海岸向东北方向广泛地引导了浮游幼虫。该南部物种的幼虫在伊豆半岛南部海岸的生存和定居证明了该地区以砾石为主的小型滩涂适合作为该物种的栖息地。



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