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Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle prevalence in postpartum




Introduction: Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle (DRAM) is characterized by the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles beams, caused by enlargement of the linea alba, a common condition during pregnancy. Physical therapy has been shown necessary in women health, to help them adjust the physical changes throughout the pregnancy and puerperium. Objectives: To verify the DRAM prevalence in the immediate puerperium in a sample of women attended by the Unified Health System in Guarapuava, PR, Brazil, and investigate possible correlations between the DRAM presence and the delivery type, pregnancies number, maternal age, pregnancy type and weight gain during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: This is a transversal study, that included 88 samples of women in the immediately puerperium. It was realized a specific assessment and verified the DRAM presence and its measures. The checkpoints were in the umbilical, 4.5 cm above and below this point. It was considered present and relevant when there was any separation from the linea alba. Results: The study showed 61.36% DRAM prevalence. Its averages were 0.88 cm supra-umbilical, 1.23 cm umbilical and 0.3 cm infra-umbilical. Puerperium women who had DRAM, 31.5% were primiparous and 68.5% multiparous. Conclusion: The DRAM prevalence was considered high and relevant. The DRAM measure was higher in the umbilical region compared with infra and supra-umbilical. The multiparous women had a higher correlation with the DRAM than the primiparous.
机译:简介:腹直肌(DRAM)的特征在于腹直肌增大引起的腹直肌束分离,这是怀孕期间的常见情况。事实证明,物理疗法对女性健康是必要的,可以帮助她们在整个妊娠和产后调整身体状况。目的:在巴西瓜拉普阿瓦的统一卫生系统参加的妇女样本中验证DRAM的患病率,并调查DRAM的存在与分娩类型,怀孕人数,孕妇年龄,怀孕类型之间的可能相关性和怀孕期间体重增加。材料和方法:这是一项横向研究,其中包括88个立即产后妇女的样本。已经实现了一项具体评估,并验证了DRAM的存在及其措施。检查点位于脐带,在此点上方和下方4.5厘米。与白线虫分离时,它被认为是存在且相关的。结果:该研究显示DRAM发生率为61.36%。其平均值为脐上脐带0.88 cm,脐上脐带1.23 cm和脐下脐带0.3 cm。拥有DRAM的产褥期妇女中,初产妇占31.5%,多胎妇女占68.5%。结论:DRAM患病率很高且相关。与下脐带和脐上脐带相比,脐带区域的DRAM测量值更高。多产妇女与DRAM的相关性高于初产妇。



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