首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Diagnosis and Screening of Overweight and Obese Children in a Resident Continuity Clinic:

Diagnosis and Screening of Overweight and Obese Children in a Resident Continuity Clinic:




Objective. To evaluate the association between documenting excess weight and ordering screening tests. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed well-child visits for patients 2 to 18 years old at a pediatric resident clinic. We evaluated visits of patients with body mass index ≥ 85th percentile for documentation of excess weight in the electronic medical record (EMR) and screening tests ordered. Associations were investigated with χ2 tests. Results. Of 522 patients, 215 (41%) were overweight (19%) or obese (22%). Among obese and overweight patients, 92/215 (43%) had documentation of excess weight in the EMR. Screening tests were ordered for 39/92 (42%) patients with a diagnosis of excess weight versus 8/123 (6.5%) of those without one (P .001). Conclusions. Documentation rates of excess weight by practitioners were low and worse for younger children and those with milder degrees of excess weight. Documenting excess weight in the EMR was highly associated with ordering of screening tests.
机译:目的。评估记录超重和订购筛查测试之间的关联。方法。我们回顾了在儿科住院医师诊所对2至18岁患者进行的儿童看望检查。我们评估了体重指数≥85%的患者的就诊,以检查电子病历(EMR)中超重的文件和订购的筛查测试。关联性用χ2检验进行了调查。结果。在522名患者中,有215名(41%)超重(19%)或肥胖(22%)。在肥胖和超重患者中,有92/215(43%)的患者在EMR中有超重的记录。对39/92(42%)被诊断出体重超标的患者进行了筛查测试,而没有诊断为超重的患者为8/123(6.5%)(P <.001)。结论。从业者的超重文件率对于年幼的儿童和轻度程度较轻的孩子来说较低,甚至更低。在EMR中记录超重与筛选测试的顺序高度相关。



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