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Evaluation of ice and snow content in the global numerical weather prediction model GME with CloudSat




The present study evaluates the global numerical weather prediction model GME with respect to frozen particles, both ice and snow, focusing on the performance of a diagnostic versus a prognostic precipitation scheme. As a reference, CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar observations are utilized – the so far only near-globally available data set which vertically resolves clouds. Both the observation-to-model and the model-to-observation approach are applied and compared to each other. For the latter, the radar simulator QuickBeam is utilized. Criteria are applied to further improve the comparability between model and observations. The two model versions are statistically evaluated for a four-month period. The comparison reveals that the prognostic scheme reproduces the shape of the CloudSat frequency distributions for both ice water content (IWC) and reflectivity factor well, while the diagnostic scheme produces no large IWCs or reflectivity factors because snow falls out instantaneously. However, the prognostic scheme overestimates the occurrence of high ice water paths (IWP), especially in the mid-latitudes. Sensitivity tests show that an increased fall speed of snow successfully reduces IWP. Both approaches capture the general features, but for details, the two together deliver the largest informational content. In case of limited resources, the model-to-observation approach is preferred. Finally, the results indicate that the lack of IWC in most global circulation models might be attributed to the use of diagnostic precipitation schemes, i.e., the lack of snow aloft. Based on its good performance the prognostic scheme went into operational mode in February 2010. The adjusted snow fall speed went operational in December 2010. However, continual improvements of the ice microphysics are necessary, which can be assessed by the proposed evaluation technique.
机译:本研究评估了冰和雪冻结颗粒的全球数值天气预报模型GME,重点是诊断性降水方案与预后性降水方案的性能。作为参考,使用了CloudSat Cloud Profiling Radar观测数据-到目前为止,只有垂直方向解析云的近全球可用数据集。应用了模型观察法和模型观察法,并进行了比较。对于后者,使用了雷达模拟器QuickBeam。应用标准进一步改善模型和观测值之间的可比性。对两个模型版本进行了为期四个月的统计评估。比较结果表明,对于冰水含量(IWC)和反射率因子,该预后方案可以很好地再现CloudSat频率分布的形状,而由于雪瞬时掉落,该诊断方案不会产生较大的IWCs或反射率因子。但是,该预后方案高估了高冰水路径(IWP)的发生,尤其是在中纬度地区。敏感性测试表明,降雪速度的提高成功降低了IWP。两种方法都具有通用特征,但是对于细节而言,这两种方法共同提供了最大的信息内容。在资源有限的情况下,首选模型观察法。最后,结果表明,在大多数全球环流模式中缺乏IWC可能归因于诊断性降水方案的使用,即高空积雪的缺乏。基于其良好的性能,预后方案于2010年2月进入运行模式。调整后的降雪速度于2010年12月开始运行。但是,冰微观物理学的持续改进是必要的,可以通过提出的评估技术进行评估。



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