首页> 外文期刊>Geografski Vestnik - Geographical Bulletin >Geografija obmejnosti in raznolikost sodobnih politi?nih meja // Geography of border landscapes and the differentiation of current political boundaries

Geografija obmejnosti in raznolikost sodobnih politi?nih meja // Geography of border landscapes and the differentiation of current political boundaries




Obmejna obmo?ja so v zadnjih desetletjih v osredju znanstvenega zanimanja politi?nih geografov. Pristopi se sicer razlikujejo, pri vseh pa prevladuje interes do razmerja med prostorom ter dru?bo pri interpretaciji so?asno potekajo?ih procesov divergence in konvergence, ki povzro?ajo razli?ne te?nje in prakse dru?benega in prostorskega lo?evanja ter povezovanja. ?lanek daje pregled temeljnih dejavnikov in potekov tega procesa ter sku?a podati, ob neki uvodni sistematizaciji obravnavane problematike, tudi pretres sodobnih pristopov in dognanj, s posebnim poudarkom na raziskovalnih rezultatih, ki sta jih avtorja razvijala pri preu?evanju obmejnih razmer in ?ezmejnega povezovanja.Border landscapes are for decades in the heart of the scientific interest of political geographers. Approaches are different, but most of them are focusing on the relations between space and society within the context of interpretation of the contemporary processes of divergence and convergence, providing thus different trends and results of social and spatial divisions and connections. The article offers an overview of the main factors and developments regarding those processes, and tries to give in its first part a more systematic organization of the studied issues, followed by an evaluation of the current research results within the geography of border landscapes, based in particular on the research results that both authors have developed in their study of border situations and cross-border cooperation in Europe.
机译:近几十年来,边界地区一直是政治地理学家的科学兴趣中心。方法各不相同,但是在解释同时发生的分歧和趋同过程时,人们对空间与社会之间的关系有着浓厚的兴趣,这导致了社会和空间分离的趋势和实践。和整合。本文概述了这一过程的基本因素和过程,并试图对该问题进行系统的介绍之外,还对现代方法和发现进行了讨论,并特别强调了作者在研究边界情况时所取得的研究成果。 ezmejnega povezovanja。数十年来,边界景观一直是政治地理学家的科学兴趣的核心。方法是不同的,但大多数方法是在解释当代分歧和趋同过程的背景下关注空间与社会之间的关系,从而提供不同的趋势以及社会和空间划分与联系的结果。本文提供了有关这些过程的主要因素和发展的概述,并试图在其第一部分中对研究的问题进行更系统的组织,然后对基于边界景观的地理区域内当前的研究结果进行评估。特别是关于两位作者在研究欧洲的边境局势和跨境合作方面取得的研究成果。



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