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Black Holes - Any body out there?




Using analytical results from both general relativity and quantum mechanics weshow that physical black holes probably do not exist. This would actually be a boon totheoretical physics, for example as:i) General relativity would then be globally valid in the (classical) physical universe, due to itsnon-singular nature.ii) The black hole information paradox would vanish.iii) No event horizon would mean no Hawking radiation, resolving the causal paradox that foran outside observer it takes an infinite time for the black hole to form whereas it evaporates infinite time.Astrophysical applications that seem to require black holes (quasars/AGNs, some binarysystems, stellar motions near the center of our galaxy, etc) can still be fulfilled by compactbut non-singular masses, M..
机译:使用广义相对论和量子力学的分析结果,我们表明物理黑洞可能不存在。这实际上对理论物理学来说是一个福音,例如:i)由于相对论的非奇异性质,广义相对论将在(经典)物理宇宙中全局有效。ii)黑洞信息悖论将消失。iii)否事件视界将意味着没有霍金辐射,从而解决了外部观察者需要花费无限时间才能形成黑洞而蒸发掉无限时间的因果悖论。天体物理应用似乎需要黑洞(类星体/ AGN,某些双星系统,恒星紧凑但非奇异的质量M仍可以完成银河系中心附近的运动等。



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