首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Business and Management >Public-Private-Partnership in Ethiopia: The BOT Modality in Utility Billing

Public-Private-Partnership in Ethiopia: The BOT Modality in Utility Billing




This paper focuses on the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a strategy to address inefficiencies in utility billing services. This article aimed at assessing factors contributing for successful implementation of PPP in utility billing and the restraints faced in implementation of the PPP in utility billing. Four public utility institutions and one private concessionaire with its five branches and 52 respondents were selected purposively. It employed a mixed research approach (quantitative and qualitative). Similarly, quantitative and qualitative research data types were used. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were also administered to collect research data. All available government documents and relevant empirical studies on PPP were also used as secondary sources. The method of data analysis used in this study was mixed triangulation method. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, cross tabulation, tests of proportionality, mean ranking, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance and Mann U Whitney test were used in the analysis process for quantitative data. In addition textual analysis was used for qualitative data. As a result, the findings of the study capture that there is high level customer satisfaction and remarkable cost reductions. At the same time, political support, the existence of strong private concessionaire i.e. Kifya Financial Technology PLC and the responsibility and commitment of both partners are ranked 1 to 3 as factors contributing for the success of the PPP. Unlikely, lack of awareness on the issues of PPP and absence of relevant experienced and skilled man power in PPP were found as potential challenges in the implementation of the PPP in utility billing. From this, the study recommends that there is a need of clearly stated national PPP policy that enable establish a PPP Unit with its PPP focused Agency, facilitate policy dialogue and awareness creation programs on the existing legal formworks, increase the number of billing payment centers and scale up the services to all corners of the country.
机译:本文着重于使用公私伙伴关系(PPP)作为解决公用事业计费服务效率低下的策略。本文旨在评估有助于成功实施公用事业计费中的PPP的因素以及实施公用事业计费中的PPP所面临的限制。目的是选择四个公共事业机构和一个私人特许公司及其五个分支机构和52位受访者。它采用了混合研究方法(定量和定性)。同样,使用定量和定性研究数据类型。还进行问卷调查和半结构化访谈,以收集研究数据。所有可用的政府文件和有关PPP的相关经验研究也被用作辅助资源。本研究中使用的数据分析方法是混合三角剖分法。在定量数据的分析过程中,使用了描述性和推论性统计数据,例如频率,百分比,交叉制表,比例检验,均值排名,肯德尔的一致性系数和曼恩·惠特尼检验。另外,文本分析用于定性数据。结果,该研究的结果表明,客户满意度很高,并且成本显着降低。同时,政治上的支持,强大的私人特许经营商(即Kifya Financial Technology PLC)的存在以及双方的责任和承诺均被列为第1至第3位,这是促成PPP成功的因素。不太可能的是,对PPP问题的认识不足以及PPP中缺乏相关的有经验的和熟练的人力是在公用事业计费中实施PPP的潜在挑战。因此,研究建议,需要有明确说明的国家PPP政策,以使其能够与以PPP为重点的机构建立PPP部门,促进对现有法律模板的政策对话和意识建设计划,增加计费支付中心的数量,并将服务扩展到全国各地。



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