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A Case of IgG4-Related Multifocal Fibrosclerosis Complicated by Central Diabetes Insipidus




References(18) Cited-By(13) A 55-years-old man was admitted to our hospital with a 6-month history of general fatigue, purulent nasal discharge, polyuria, and polydipsia. Endocrinological findings revealed central diabetes insipidus (CDI) with mild anterior pituitary dysfunction. Imaging studies revealed thickening of the proximal end of the pituitary stalk just below the third ventricle, a mass in the paranasal sinus, and a mass encompassing the abdominal aorta. Histopathology of the mass in the paranasal sinus revealed abundant IgG4-positive plasma cells, and the IgG4 serum level was markedly elevated. Thus, he was diagnosed with IgG4-related multifocal fibrosclerosis. Therapy with prednisolone resulted in complete resolution of clinical symptoms and reduction in size of the masses in the affected organs. However, CDI remained unchanged. This is the first case in which the cause of CDI was IgG4-related multifocal fibrosclerosis. IgG4-related sclerosing disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of thickening of the pituitary stalk with CDI, and a search for extra-pituitary involvement is essential.
机译:参考文献(18)被引用(13)一名55岁的男子因一般疲劳,化脓性鼻涕,多尿和多饮水而入院6个月。内分泌学检查发现中枢性尿崩症(CDI)伴轻度垂体前叶功能障碍。影像学研究发现垂体茎近端的增厚正好在第三脑室以下,鼻旁窦有一个肿块,而腹主动脉周围有一个肿块。鼻旁窦肿块的组织病理学显示大量的IgG4阳性浆细胞,并且IgG4血清水平明显升高。因此,他被诊断出患有IgG4相关的多灶性纤维硬化症。泼尼松龙的治疗可完全缓解临床症状,并减少受影响器官的肿块大小。但是,CDI保持不变。这是首例CDI的原因是IgG4相关的多灶性纤维硬化。 IgG4相关性硬化性疾病应包括在CDI垂体柄增厚的鉴别诊断中,寻找垂体外累及至关重要。



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