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From the Editor-in-Chief of Endocrine Reviews on the Occasion of the 2016 Centennial of the Endocrine Society




T Edward Kendall on Christmas Day 1914, and its structure was determined allowing its synthesis only a short time later by Charles R. Harington in 1926. Yet, when we consider thyroid health in our patients, promi- nent among the issues that come to mind are the difficulties in achieving patient satisfaction and their sense of well- being on replacement levothyroxine therapy. Patients complain, despite our reassurances that their serum free Ty and TSH levels are “normal,” ie, within the reference range. Indeed, what constitutes a normal TSH level has been controversial for several decades, with uncertain variations related to sex, aging, and other physiological states like pregnancy. Myriad studies confirm that even minor variations in thyroid function, subclinical hypothy- roidism, or subclinical hyperthyroidism may have a sig- nificant impact on mental function, heart, bone, and even on mortality. Insights into these issues have evolved over the past decade with a flurry of research initiatives that begin to clarify the fact and nature of gene mutations and other genetic factors that underlie individual variations in thyroid function.
机译:1914年圣诞节,T爱德华·肯德尔(T Edward Kendall)对其结构进行了确定,仅在短时间内即可被查尔斯·R·哈灵顿(Charles R. Harington)在1926年合成。然而,当我们考虑患者的甲状腺健康时,想到的问题就很多难以获得患者的满意度以及他们对替代左甲状腺素治疗的幸福感。尽管我们保证他们的无血清Ty和TSH水平是“正常的”,即在参考范围内,但患者仍抱怨。的确,构成正常TSH水平的问题已经争议了数十年,与性别,衰老和其他生理状态(如怀孕)有关的不确定变化。大量研究证实,即使甲状腺功能,亚临床甲状腺功能减退症或亚临床甲状腺功能亢进症即使有微小变化,也可能对心理功能,心脏,骨骼乃至死亡率产生重大影响。在过去的十年中,随着一系列研究计划的发展,对这些问题的见解得到了发展,这些研究计划开始阐明基因突变和构成甲状腺功能个体变异的其他遗传因素的事实和性质。



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