首页> 外文期刊>Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training >Teaching in vocational education as a second career

Teaching in vocational education as a second career




Abstract Background This study investigates the determinants of career change for individuals who change their job to become a teacher in vocational education and training (VET) as a second career. The question of what motivates individuals to forfeit their original occupation to become a teacher is important for policy making not only in times of teacher shortages but also in light of the quality of individuals that can be motivated to change their career mid-life to become a teacher. Methods First, the empirical analysis uses pairs with the same observable characteristics of teachers and non-teachers in Switzerland to compare the relative wage position in their former occupation of those who have chosen to change career into teaching. We indicate the quality of these career changers primarily by their pay in the former occupation. Second, we investigate the wage prospects of career changers by exploring the counterfactual situation to the decision to become a teacher (teacher’s expectations for a career in the former occupation or as a teacher) and therefore we apply multivariate regression techniques to account for observable differences between individuals. Results The results show that individuals who change their careers to teaching in VET earned, on average, more in their first career than comparable workers in the same occupation. The findings also demonstrate that the average career changer still expects to earn significantly more as a teacher than in their former career. However, the study shows that one-third of the career changers expect a wage loss. Conclusion Although the average teacher tends to rank among the better earners in his or her original occupation, the majority of career changers expect to earn more as a teacher than in their original occupation. This finding shows that the average wage level at vocational schools can compete with average wage levels in the rest of the economy. However, substantial heterogeneity exists given that about one-third of career changers are prepared to accept a cut in wage after changing to teaching. One probable explanation is the very high relevance of non-monetary factors that make teaching a more attractive option, at least for some individuals. JEL-codes C21, I20, J24, J45, J62
机译:摘要背景本研究调查了那些改变工作以成为第二职业的职业教育和培训老师(VET)的个人的职业变化的决定因素。激励个人放弃原来的职业以成为一名老师的问题不仅对于教师短缺时的决策至关重要,而且考虑到可以激励他们改变职业中期以成为一名教师的个人素质。老师。方法首先,实证分析使用瑞士教师和非教师具有相同可观察特征的配对来比较那些选择转行从事教学工作的人员在其先前职业中的相对工资水平。我们主要通过在前职业中的薪酬来表明这些职业改变者的素质。其次,我们通过探索决定成为教师的事实情况(教师对前职业或教师职业的期望)来调查职业改变者的薪资前景,因此我们采用多元回归技术来解决两者之间可观察到的差异。个人。结果结果表明,将职业转变为VET教学的个人,其第一职业的平均收入要高于同一职业中的可比工人。调查结果还表明,普通职业改变者仍然希望比以前的职业赚取更多的教师收入。然而,研究表明,三分之一的职业改变者期望工资损失。结论尽管普通教师往往在其最初的职业中排名较高,但大多数职业改变者期望教师的收入要高于其最初的职业。这一发现表明,职业学校的平均工资水平可以与其他经济体的平均工资水平竞争。但是,考虑到大约三分之一的职业变更者准备在转职后接受减薪,存在很大的异质性。一种可能的解释是,非货币因素具有很高的相关性,这使得教学至少对于某些人来说是一种更具吸引力的选择。 JEL代码C21,I20,J24,J45,J62



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