首页> 外文期刊>Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan >Strengthening Character Education Through Friendly Child Education At SD Potrobangsan 1 Magelang Municipality

Strengthening Character Education Through Friendly Child Education At SD Potrobangsan 1 Magelang Municipality

机译:SD Potrobangsan 1 Magelang市通过友好的儿童教育加强品格教育



The objective of this research is to describe the efforts in strengthening character education carried out through the implementation of child friendly education at SD Potrobangsan 1 Kota Magelang, including its obstacles and problem solving. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature. The subjects are the principle, teachers, parents, and students. The data collecting techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The researcher implemented the interactive model of Miles and Huberman as the data analysis technique which consists of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. In validating the data, the researcher used resource and technical triangulation. The research result shows that (1) the strengthening of character education at SD Potrobangsan 1 Magelang is implemented through teacher modeling, more teacher attention to students, and habituation carried out by teachers continuously; (2) during the teaching learning process teachers are always friendly to students, always giving good advice, and preventing bad punishment in the forms of violence, and (3) forming school children friendly task force and providing its supporting facilities, i.e. child friendly library, children health centre (UKS), school canteen, water sanitation to wash students hands, wall of motivation, clean toilets, drumband extracurricular, boys scouting, wall magazine, and national days celebration. The obstacles faced by the school in implementing the program are the varied parenting patterns of the parents, the low economic condition of the parents, the lack of attention from the parents to the children, the social environment which is not condusive, and the fast development of technology. To solve the problems, the school carries out home visits and intensive communication with parents, orally and in written froms.
机译:这项研究的目的是描述通过在SD Potrobangsan 1 Kota Magelang实施儿童友善教育来加强性格教育的努力,包括其障碍和解决问题的方法。该研究本质上是描述性的定性。主题是原则,老师,父母和学生。数据收集技术是观察,访谈和记录。研究人员将Miles和Huberman的交互模型实现为一种数据分析技术,该技术包括数据收集,数据约简,数据显示和结论图。在验证数据时,研究人员使用了资源和技术三角测量。研究结果表明:(1)通过教师建模,教师对学生的更多关注以及教师的习惯养成,来加强SD Potrobangsan 1 Magelang的品格教育。 (2)在教学学习过程中,教师总是对学生友好,总是提供良好的建议,并防止暴力形式的不良惩罚,并且(3)组建学校儿童友好工作队并提供其支持设施,即儿童友好图书馆,儿童保健中心(UKS),学校食堂,给学生洗手的水质卫生,动机墙,干净的厕所,腰带课外活动,男孩侦察,墙上的杂志和国庆日庆祝活动。学校在实施该计划时面临的障碍包括:父母的养育方式多种多样,父母的经济状况低下,父母对孩子的关注度不足,社会环境不友好以及发展迅速。技术。为了解决这些问题,学校通过口头和书面形式进行了家访和与父母的深入交流。



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