首页> 外文期刊>Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan >The Miracle of Storry Telling | Edukasi Journal

The Miracle of Storry Telling | Edukasi Journal




There are three main approaches in early childhood, which is known by the acronym 3 B is playing, singing and storytelling. Telling stories or storytelling, an activity that anticipated and favored by younger children. Not only please the child, but also there are millions of miracles contained in them. Ironically, in some families, this activity is still less with the culture of watching television. Given the story or the storytelling is a miracle, then there is no other way, the family moved to Indonesia must get used to read a story and storytelling for her baby. Deep in their hearts, they whisper.
机译:幼儿期主要采用三种方法,首字母缩写3 B就是演奏,唱歌和讲故事。讲故事或讲故事,是幼儿期望并喜欢的活动。不仅使孩子高兴,而且其中包含了数百万个奇迹。具有讽刺意味的是,在一些家庭中,这种观看电视文化的活动仍然较少。鉴于故事或讲故事是一个奇迹,那么别无选择,搬到印度尼西亚的家庭必须习惯于为婴儿阅读故事和讲故事。他们内心深处,他们窃窃私语。



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