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The Test of Practice–An Essay




This essay starts in medias res, in the puzzling reappearance of the classical metaphor of Bildung as the transformation of man’s “first” animal nature into the “second” cultivated one. I call it the two-natures metaphor. I think it misrepresents children by prescribing form rather than asking what actually takes form in the child’s mind—in his/her relationship with adults. It made me wonder whether this mistake also lingers on in the current discourse on education. I then turn to aspects of John Dewey’s subtle and revolutionary critique of the classical theory of formation, but also to make the controversial point that he, too, seems to miss the importance of the child’s internal point of view. The importance of the subjective life of the child is suggested first by reinscribing Rousseau and Kant into the intersubjective theories of Hegel and Dewey; second, by reference to recent studies in developmental psychology that offer detailed and in-depth descriptions of our relationship with children. My basic point of departure is the existential encounters between children and adults, for example, as part of classroom practices. The title has a double connotation. It means that theory must be taken as the measure of practice. It means, too, that practice must work as the measure of theory. I will, in the main, try and pursue the last course.
机译:本文是从媒体研究开始的,在经典的比尔登比喻的令人困惑的再现中,这种比喻是将人类的“第一”动物本性转变为“第二”耕种的本性。我称其为两个性质的隐喻。我认为这是通过开处方而不是询问孩子与成年人的关系在孩子的脑海中真正形成的形式来歪曲孩子的。这使我想知道,在当前的教育论述中,这种错误是否还会继续存在。然后,我转向约翰·杜威(John Dewey)对古典形成理论的微妙和革命性批判的各个方面,同时提出有争议的观点,即他似乎也错过了孩子内在观点的重要性。首先通过将卢梭和康德重新纳入黑格尔和杜威的主体间理论中来提出儿童主观生活的重要性。第二,参考发展心理学的最新研究,这些研究提供了关于我们与儿童关系的详细和深入的描述。我的基本出发点是儿童和成人之间的生存接触,例如,作为课堂练习的一部分。标题具有双重含义。这意味着必须将理论作为实践的尺度。这也意味着,实践必须作为理论的手段。我将主要尝试并尝试最后一门课程。



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