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Avulsion Fracture Of The Tibial Tubercle In An Adult Treated With Tension-Band Wiring: A Case Report




Avulsion fractures of the tibial tubercle are very uncommon injuries, with only 170 cases reported since 1853 ,[ii],[iii]. They account for less than 3% of all physeal injuries in children [iv]. These injuries are extremely rare in adults, with only case reports in the literature. The mechanism of injury in adults is likely to be related to direct injury to the tubercle, rather than by indirect contraction of the quadriceps muscle as seen in children [v]. We described a case report of an 88-year-old female who suffered an avulsion fracture of the tibial tubercle after a simple fall. We performed an open reduction and internal fixation of the tibial tubercle using a cannulated screw and tension-band wire. She had a good functional recovery after 3 months of follow up. Bolesta MJ, Fitch RD. Tibial tubercle avulsions. J Pediatr Orthop 1986; 6: 186-192[ii] Ergun M, Taskiran E, Ozgurbuz C. Simultaneous bilateral tibial tubercle avulsion fracture in a basketball player. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2003; 11:163-166[iii] Watson-Jones R. Fractures and joint injuries Vol. 2. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1976. pp. 1048-1050.[iv] Hamilton SW, Gibson PH. Simultaneous bilateral avulsion fractures of the tibial tuberosity in adolescence: a case report and review of over 50 years of literature. Knee 2006; 13:404-407[v] Vella D, Peretti G, Fra F. One case of fracture of the tibial tuberosity in the adult. Divisione di Ortopedia, Ospedale San Lazzaro, Alba (Cuneo) Case Report An 88-year-old female presented with right knee pain after tripping in the bathroom. She was unable to weight-bear. On examination she had swelling and deformity anteriorly along the proximal tibial shaft, as well as a moderate effusion. She was unable to actively extend her knee and could not straight leg raise. She had a medical history of ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and mild dementia. She previously mobilised independently and lived by herself.Plain radiographic examination of the knee revealed an avulsion fracture of the tibial tubercle with extension of the fracture proximally into the joint space [figure 1]. A concomitant fracture of the inferior pole of the patella was also noted. A CT scan was performed to obtain a better understanding of the fracture fragments, however the quality of the images was degraded by movement artefact [figure 2].
机译:胫骨结节撕脱性骨折很少见,自1853年以来仅报告170例[ii],[iii]。他们占儿童所有骨损伤的不到3%[iv]。这些伤害在成年人中极为罕见,文献中只有病例报告。成人的伤害机制很可能与结节的直接伤害有关,而不是与儿童四头肌的间接收缩有关[v]。我们描述了一个88岁女性的病例报告,该女性在简单跌倒后遭受胫骨结节撕脱性骨折。我们使用空心螺钉和张力带钢丝对胫骨结节进行了开放复位和内部固定。随访3个月后,她的功能恢复良好。 Bolesta MJ,Fitch RD。胫骨结节撕脱。 J Pediatr Orthop 1986; 6:186-192 [ii] Ergun M,Taskiran E,OzgurbuzC。一名篮球运动员同时发生双侧胫骨结节撕脱性骨折。膝盖外科运动创伤性关节炎2003; 11:163-166 [iii] Watson-Jones R.骨折和关节损伤。 2.第5版。巴尔的摩:威廉姆斯和威尔金斯; 1976年。第1048-1050页。[iv] Hamilton SW,Gibson PH。青春期同时发生胫骨结节双侧撕脱性骨折:一例病例报告并回顾了50多年的文献。膝盖2006; 13:404-407 [v] Vella D,Peretti G,FraF。1例成年人胫骨结节骨折。阿尔巴市Ospedale San Lazzaro的Divisione di Ortopedia病例报告一名88岁的女性在洗手间绊倒后出现右膝盖疼痛。她无法负重。经检查,她沿胫骨近端向前有肿胀和畸形,并有中度积液。她无法主动伸展膝盖,也无法直腿抬高。她有缺血性心脏病,高血压,高胆固醇血症和轻度痴呆的病史。她先前曾独立活动过,独自生活。膝关节X线平片检查发现胫骨结节撕脱性骨折,骨折向近端延伸至关节间隙[图1]。还注意到the骨下极伴随骨折。进行了CT扫描以更好地了解骨折片段,但是运动伪影降低了图像的质量[图2]。



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