首页> 外文期刊>Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology >Factors Predisposing Infants To Gastroenteritis Among Poor, Urban, Filipino Families

Factors Predisposing Infants To Gastroenteritis Among Poor, Urban, Filipino Families




A cross-sectional study was undertaken between November 1989 and January 1990 to assess the relationship between nutritional status, water quality, feeding practices and diarrhoeal diseases in 50 infants who had gastroenteritis, and 50 healthy infants from poor urban families in Metropolitan Manila. Information was obtained from mothers in a hospital setting concerning feeding practices, age and sex of the infant, quality of the water supply, and whether water used for feeding was boiled. Infants were weighed and examined to determine the degree of malnutrition. Better nutrition and supplementation of water in addition to feeds were inversely associated with the occurrence of gastroenteritis. Breast-fed infants were better nourished than formula-fed infants. These findings underscore the importance of adequate nutrition and hygiene in reducing rates of infant morbidity. Introduction Diarrhoeal illnesses account for a large proportion of childhood morbidity and mortality in the developing world where the levels of hygiene and nutrition may be poor1 2. Infants have proven to be particularly vulnerable3. Factors associated with infant diarrhoeal illnesses can be divided into exposure and resistance factors. The former includes water quality, availability, and household sanitation, and the latter includes infant feeding methods and nutritional status. These, together with other variables, have been collectively referred to as “intermediate,” or “proximate” determinants in the epidemiology of diarrhoeal diseases4.The infant mortality rate in the Philippines in 1990 was 43 per 1005 with diarrhoeal diseases accounting for 17% of all deaths for children under two6. These causes are not, however, mutually exclusive as undernutrition can severely increase the risks of respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses for infants while episodes of diarrhoea, in turn, exacerbate nutritional ill health. Simpson-Hebert and Makil7 speculated that rates for diarrhoeal diseases were relatively low in Metropolitan Manila because the water supply is of better quality than in other areas, although the rates are in fact comparable to those in other areas of the Philippines. The present study examines three of the critical intermediate variables predisposing infants to gastroenteritis in a poor, urban sector of Metropolitan Manila in an attempt to isolate some of the factors that may be governing the lower rates of infant morbidity in this region of the Philippines. These variables are: water sources available to families, nutritional status, and feeding practices. The study was implemented at the end of 1989 in the Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial (JFM) Hospital, and the Lower Bicutan Health Center, both situated in Metropolitan Manila. The JFM Hospital, which is a government institution housed in an old converted prison, is a maternal and child hospital serving women of low socioeconomic status who live in one of the poor urban sectors of Manila. The Lower Bicutan Health Center is in one of the suburbs of Manila. Most of the families attending this clinic subsist by manual labour in Metropolitan Manila. The socioeconomic level of patient catchment areas served by both health services are similar; both used government health care, while people of even limited financial resources are under social pressure to pay for health care services. There are no significant differences between the two areas in access to piped water among the families sampled for this study. Methods Fifty infants admitted with symptoms of gastroenteritis to the JFM Hospital were studied between November 1989 and January 1990. All of these infants had one or more of the following symptoms or signs: diarrhoea, vomiting, pyrexia and dehydration. Diagnoses upon admission included acute infectious diarrhoea, enterotoxic Escherichia coli [ETEC], enteropathic Escerichia coli [EPEC], acute ileocolitis, acute gastroenteritis and ameobiasis. Nearly all the infants suffered from an estimated 5-10% dehy
机译:1989年11月至1990年1月进行了一项横断面研究,以评估马尼拉大都会50名患有肠胃炎的婴儿和50名贫困城市家庭的健康婴儿的营养状况,水质,喂养习惯和腹泻病之间的关系。从医院的母亲那里获得了有关喂养习惯,婴儿的年龄和性别,供水质量以及用于煮沸的水是否煮沸的信息。婴儿被称重并检查以确定营养不良的程度。除饲料外,更好的营养和补充水与胃肠炎的发生呈负相关。母乳喂养的婴儿比配方乳喂养的婴儿营养更好。这些发现强调了充分营养和卫生对降低婴儿发病率的重要性。简介在发展中国家,儿童的腹泻病占儿童发病率和死亡率的绝大部分,那里的卫生和营养水平可能很差1 2.婴儿已被证明特别脆弱3。与婴儿腹泻病有关的因素可分为接触因素和抵抗因素。前者包括水质,可利用性和家庭卫生,后者包括婴儿喂养方法和营养状况。这些以及其他变量在腹泻病流行病学中被统称为“中级”或“最接近”的决定因素4。1990年菲律宾的婴儿死亡率为每1005例中有43例,腹泻病占17%。所有2岁以下儿童的死亡6。但是,这些原因并非相互排斥,因为营养不足会严重增加婴儿患呼吸道和胃肠道疾病的风险,而腹泻又会加剧营养不良状况。辛普森-赫伯特(Simpson-Hebert)和马克伊(Makil)7推测,马尼拉大都会地区的腹泻病发病率相对较低,因为供水质量优于其他地区,尽管事实上该比率与菲律宾其他地区相当。本研究研究了三个重要的中间变量,这些变量使马尼拉大都会贫困城市地区的婴儿易患肠胃炎,以试图找出可能影响菲律宾该地区婴儿发病率较低的一些因素。这些变量是:家庭可用的水源,营养状况和喂养方式。这项研究于1989年底在位于马尼拉大都会的何塞·法贝拉纪念医院(JFM)和下比库坦医疗中心进行。 JFM医院是一所政府机构,坐落在一座旧的改建监狱中,是一家妇幼医院,为生活在马尼拉贫困城市之一的社会经济地位低下的妇女提供服务。下比库坦健康中心位于马尼拉的郊区之一。前往该诊所就诊的大多数家庭靠马尼拉大都会的体力劳动维持生活。两家卫生服务机构所服务的患者服务区的社会经济水平相似;两者都使用政府医疗服务,而财政资源有限的人也承受着社会压力来支付医疗服务费用。在本研究中抽样的家庭之间,在获得自来水的两个区域之间没有显着差异。方法对1989年11月至1990年1月在JFM医院收治的有胃肠炎症状的50例婴儿进行研究。所有这些婴儿均具有以下一种或多种以下症状或体征:腹泻,呕吐,发热和脱水。入院时的诊断包括急性感染性腹泻,肠毒性大肠杆菌[ETEC],肠病性大肠杆菌[EPEC],急性回肠结肠炎,急性肠胃炎和阿米巴病。几乎所有婴儿患的脱水估计约为5-10%



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