首页> 外文期刊>International journal of reconfigurable computing >A Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture with Compilation for High Performance

A Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture with Compilation for High Performance




We propose afast data relay(FDR) mechanism to enhance existing CGRA (coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture). FDR can not only provide multicycle data transmission in concurrent with computations but also convert resource-demanding inter-processing-element global data accesses into local data accesses to avoid communication congestion. We also propose the supporting compiler techniques that can efficiently utilize the FDR feature to achieve higher performance for a variety of applications. Our results on FDR-based CGRA are compared with two other works in this field: ADRES and RCP. Experimental results for various multimedia applications show that FDR combined with the new compiler deliver up to 29% and 21% higher performance than ADRES and RCP, respectively.
机译:我们提出了一种快速数据中继(FDR)机制来增强现有的CGRA(粗粒度可重新配置体系结构)。 FDR不仅可以在计算的同时提供多周期数据传输,而且可以将对资源要求高的处理元素间的全局数据访问转换为本地数据访问,从而避免通信拥塞。我们还提出了支持的编译器技术,可以有效利用FDR功能为各种应用程序实现更高的性能。我们将基于FDR的CGRA的研究结果与该领域的其他两项研究进行了比较:ADRES和RCP。各种多媒体应用的实验结果表明,FDR与新的编译器结合使用时,其性能分别比ADRES和RCP高出29%和21%。



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