首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Population Research >Disparities in Health Outcomes of Return Migrants in Mexico

Disparities in Health Outcomes of Return Migrants in Mexico




Objective. The epidemiological paradox posits that immigrants in USA experience better health outcomes than nonimmigrants with similar socioeconomic status. However, little is known about the development of health problems over the life course for immigrants who return to their country of origin.Methods. The Mexican Migration Project provides detailed information on immigration, health, and socioeconomic status for 671 unauthorized migrants, 101 legal migrants, and 3,748 nonmigrants. Cox regression estimated the adjusted hazard of developing hypertension, diabetes/prediabetes, poor mental health, and heart and lung problems.Results. Legal immigrants to USA did not have a significantly higher risk of having a self-reported diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes, heart or lung problems, or poor mental health compared to nonmigrants. However, the hazard ratio for unauthorized deported immigrants ranged from 2.25 (CI: 1.29–3.93) for diabetes to 4.43 (CI: 2.33–8.40) for poor mental health compared to nonmigrants.Conclusions. Health problems occur several years earlier among unauthorized immigrants compared to individuals who never migrated. Poor access to healthcare services combined with USA lifestyle and working conditions after migration to the USA may contribute to an increased risk for the development of chronic health conditions later in life.
机译:目的。流行病学悖论认为,与具有相似社会经济地位的非移民相比,美国移民的健康状况更好。但是,对于返回原籍国的移民在其整个生命过程中出现的健康问题知之甚少。墨西哥移民项目为671名未经授权的移民,101名合法移民和3,748名非移民提供了有关移民,健康和社会经济状况的详细信息。 Cox回归估计了发生高血压,糖尿病/前驱糖尿病,精神健康不良以及心脏和肺部问题的调整后危险。与非移民相比,合法移民到美国的自我报告的高血压,糖尿病,心脏或肺部疾病或精神健康状况较差的诊断风险没有明显增加。然而,与非移民相比,未经批准驱逐出境的移民的危险比范围从糖尿病的2.25(CI:1.29–3.93)到精神健康较差的4.43(CI:2.33–8.40)。与从未移民的个人相比,未经批准的移民早于几年就出现了健康问题。移居美国后,无法获得医疗保健服务以及美国的生活方式和工作条件,可能会增加以后生活中慢性病发展的风险。



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