首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Occupational Hygiene >Factors Associated with Needle Stick and Sharp Injuries among Health Care Workers

Factors Associated with Needle Stick and Sharp Injuries among Health Care Workers




Exposure to blood borne pathogens is considered as a common occupational hazard among health care workers all around the world. The aim of the current study was to investigate the factors associated with needle stick and sharp injuries among health care workers of an academic hospital. The current cross-sectional study of health care workers a teaching hospital designed based on a census sampling technique from 20 March to 20 April 2012. All personnel were required to fill out the forms they received from the investigators and fill them out on the occasion of any case of needle stick injury. All the obtained information was analyzed using SPSS software version 16. The results of our study demonstrated that the frequency of needle-stick injury was 18.8% (97 persons) the mean age of the affected individuals was 30.49±7.04 years. Significant relationship was observed between the risk of needle stick injury and age, gender, work experience less than 2 year and education. The majority of needle-stick injuries happened at the ICU and CCU. Personal protection devices (face masks, gloves, etc ) were used by 67% of the affected individuals. Low frequency of needle stick injuries in our study can be attributed to the following factors: 1-the periodic preventive educational program for staff, especially the new freshmen nurses. 2-the existence of a comprehensive program followed by occupational health department and hospital infection control unit.
机译:暴露于血源性病原体被认为是全世界卫生保健工作者的常见职业危害。本研究的目的是调查与学术医院的医护人员中的针刺和尖锐伤害有关的因素。当前的横断面研究是根据2012年3月20日至4月20日基于人口普查抽样技术设计的教学医院设计的。该医院的所有人员都必须填写从研究人员那里收到的表格,并在任何情况下针头刺伤。使用SPSS软件版本16分析所有获得的信息。我们的研究结果表明,针刺伤的发生频率为18.8%(97人),受影响个体的平均年龄为30.49±7.04岁。观察到针刺受伤的危险与年龄,性别,少于2年的工作经验和受教育程度之间存在显着的关系。大部分针刺伤发生在ICU和CCU。 67%的受影响个人使用了个人防护设备(口罩,手套等)。在我们的研究中,针刺受伤的频率较低可归因于以下因素:1-针对员工(尤其是新生护士)的定期预防性教育计划。 2-有一个综合计划,其后是职业卫生部门和医院感染控制部门。



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