首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >An Exploratory Study on Turnover Intention among Private Sector Employees

An Exploratory Study on Turnover Intention among Private Sector Employees




This study aims to study the organizational commitments, job stress, job satisfaction and turnover intention among the private sector employees in Petaling. A total of 120 respondents in Petaling District were selected conveniently. Organizational Commitments Questionnaire (Mowday, Steers & Porter, 1979), perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and Mobley, Horner & Hollingsworth (1978) were used to measure organizational commitments, job stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Majority of the respondents were single (77.5%), followed by married (20%), and divorced 2.5%. Results showed that majority of the respondents experienced moderate level of commitment (70.8%); half of the total respondents (50%) experienced high level of job stress; 67.5% of them experienced moderate level of job satisfaction and 42.5% of them experienced moderate level of turnover intention. The result uncovered that there was a significant negative relationship between organizational commitments and turnover intention in the study (r = -.367, p ???? .05); positive relationship between job stress and turnover intention (r = .96, p ???? .05) and negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention in the study (r = -.447, p ???? .01). Further analysis concluded that demographic background of respondent mediated the relationship between organizational commitments, job stress, job satisfaction and turnover intention. For future research, it is suggested to compare the predictive validity of the model across different jobs and industries. The methodology of study can be improved by increase the sample size to wider population and adopt probability sampling method in order to generalize more reliable results.
机译:这项研究旨在研究八打灵私营部门雇员的组织承诺,工作压力,工作满意度和离职意向。方便地选择了八打灵区的120名受访者。组织承诺调查表(Mowday,Steers&Porter,1979),知觉压力量表(PSS),明尼苏达州满意度调查表(MSQ)和Mobley,Horner&Hollingsworth(1978)用于衡量组织承诺,工作压力,工作满意度和离职率意向。多数受访者为单身(77.5%),其次为已婚(20%),和离婚的2.5%。结果表明,大多数受访者的承诺水平中等(70.8%);一半的受访者(50%)经历了高水平的工作压力;他们中有67.5%的工作满意度中等,其中42.5%的离职意愿中等。结果表明,在研究中组织承诺和离职意图之间存在显着的负相关关系(r = -.367,p≤0.05)。工作压力和离职意向之间呈正相关(r = .96,p≤0.05),研究中工作满意度与离职意图之间呈负相关(r = -.447,p≤0.01)。进一步的分析得出结论,受访者的人口背景介导了组织承诺,工作压力,工作满意度和离职意向之间的关系。为了将来的研究,建议比较该模型在不同工作和行业之间的预测有效性。可以通过增加样本量到更广泛的人群并采用概率抽样方法来改进研究方法,以推广更可靠的结果。



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