首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications >Research on the Layout of National Economic Mobilization Logistics Centers

Research on the Layout of National Economic Mobilization Logistics Centers




The problem of the layout of NEMLC (National Economic Mobilization Logistics Center) is one of the most important long-term decision-making issues. The result of NEMLC’s layout directly impacts many aspects of mobilization, such as time, reliability, quality, efficiency, cost, and so on, consequently affects the effect of the mobilization. Reasonable NEMLC layout can bring people convenience in the daily life, reduce costs, and improve service efficiency and competitiveness. Poor NEMLC layout often brings a great deal of inconvenience and loss, and even leads to mobilization failure. Under the restriction of mobilization time, the paper establishes the layout model that one or more mobilization logistics centers provide the material to the mobilization demanding place. The mobilization goods or service can reach the demanding place to carry into mobilization execution within the given time, and the number of the built NEMLCs is the least.
机译:国家经济动员物流中心(NEMLC)的布局问题是最重要的长期决策问题之一。 NEMLC布局的结果直接影响了动员的许多方面,例如时间,可靠性,质量,效率,成本等,因此影响了动员的效果。合理的NEMLC布局可以给人们带来日常生活的便利,降低成本,提高服务效率和竞争力。 NEMLC布局不佳通常会带来很多不便和损失,甚至导致动员失败。在动员时间的限制下,建立了一个或多个动员物流中心向动员需求场所提供物资的布局模型。动员商品或服务可以在给定的时间内到达需求的地方进行动员执行,所建NEMLC数量最少。



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