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Online Business Training To Teenagers "Shelter Rumah Hati " For Ex-Prisoners




Community service team of Teachers Elementary School Education of PGRI University Madiun has conducted Online Business Training to Children and Youth Shelter Rumah Hati in Jombang. Shelter Rumah Hati is a place for ex-narapida children who have just come out of prisons and given mentoring there. The purpose of community service is: 1) To give knowledge about how to do business online to former inmates in Jombang House of the Heart, so they can open the job for themselves or others. 2) To provide assistance to children and adolescents who are in Shelter Rumah Hati Jombang. 3) To provide online-based skills to children and adolescents at Jombang Home Shelter. This training activity begins by meeting the shelter to seek permission to conduct online business training activities. We further deliver general material submissions on online business using lecture methods. After the delivery of materials, conducted activities of business practices online. After practice the way of our online business do mentoring process. The results of the training show that children and adolescents who are in Shelter Rumah Hati have a very high interest in online business, this can be seen from the questionnaire that we distributed to the children and adolescents there, they fill the satisfaction questionnaire with the value of the conversion of 87.8 means very good. Evaluation results related to the effectiveness of training also increased based on the N-Hake criteria with a value of 0.74 which means very good. Online Business Training at Jombang House Shelter in children and teenagers can be summed up that are interested and have the potential to open an online business.
机译:PGRI大学Madiun小学教师教育的社区服务团队已在Jombang对儿童和青少年收容所Rumah Hati进行了在线业务培训。 Rumah Hati庇护所是供刚刚走出监狱并接受过辅导的前纳帕雷达儿童的地方。社区服务的目的是:1)为Jombang心脏之家的前囚犯提供有关如何在线开展业务的知识,以便他们可以为自己或其他人打开工作。 2)为位于庇护所拉玛·哈蒂·乔邦的儿童和青少年提供帮助。 3)在Jombang Home Shelter为儿童和青少年提供在线技能。这项培训活动首先与庇护所见面,以寻求进行在线业务培训活动的许可。我们还使用讲座方法提供有关在线业务的一般材料。交付材料后,在线进行业务实践活动。在实践之后,我们的在线业务将进行指导过程。培训的结果表明,在Shelter Rumah Hati中的儿童和青少年对在线业务非常感兴趣,这可以从我们分发给那里的儿童和青少年的调查表中看出,他们用价值来填充满意度调查表87.8的转换率非常好。基于N-Hake标准,与培训效果相关的评估结果也有所增加,值为0.74,这表示非常好。可以总结对Jombang House Shelter中的儿童和青少年进行的在线业务培训,这些培训很有趣并且有潜力开设在线业务。



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