首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Reply to Grocott HP, regarding their comment on 'Jet insufflator for cannot intubate cannot ventilate situation: An Indian Jugaad'

Reply to Grocott HP, regarding their comment on 'Jet insufflator for cannot intubate cannot ventilate situation: An Indian Jugaad'

机译:回复格罗科特·惠普(Grocott HP),关于他们对“喷气式吹入器因无法插管无法通气:印度印第安人”的评论



We thank Dr. Grocott for the insightful comments regarding our frugal innovation of jet insufflator for cannot intubate cannot ventilate situation.[1]Dr. Grocott suggests that the new commercially available device, the Ventrain.(Ventinova Medical B. V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands) exploits the Hagen–Poiseuille law for both jet inspiration as well as active expiration. The Hagen–Poiseuille law comments on the flow characteristics of a fluid or gas. The active expiration occurring in Ventrain is according to Bernoulli's theorem.[2]Our device provides the possibility of expiration as a passive process, which is not available with jet ventilators like Manujet III.The availability of devices such as Ventrain, Rapid O2, Enk oxygen flow modulator and Manujet III is still limited in India.
机译:我们感谢格罗科特(Grocott)博士对我们节俭的喷气式吹入器创新所作的有深刻见解的评论,因为它无法插管无法通气。[1] Grocott建议,新的商用设备Ventrain。(荷兰埃因霍温的Ventinova Medical B. V.)利用了哈根-泊瓦依定律来获得喷气吸气和主动呼气。哈根-泊瓦依定律对流体或气体的流动特性进行了评论。根据伯努利定理,在Ventrain中发生的主动呼气是有效的。[2]我们的设备提供了作为被动过程呼气的可能性,这在Manujet III这样的喷气呼吸机中是不可用的。Ventrain,Rapid O2,Enk等设备的可用性氧气流量调节器和Manujet III仍在印度受到限制。



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