首页> 外文期刊>International electronic journal of health education >What Do Expectant Mothers Know about Neonatal Jaundice?

What Do Expectant Mothers Know about Neonatal Jaundice?




Neonatal jaundice (NNJ) is a common disorder worldwide and many affected babies become brain-damaged due to delay in seeking medical consultation. In order to assess the awareness and knowledge of expectant mothers about NNJ, women who registered for antenatal care at a tertiary health facility in the South-western part of Nigeria were consecutively recruited and interviewed by means of a questionnaire. There were 189 participants whose mean age was 30.1?±5.2 years. Median parity was 2. Twenty-five (13.2%) of them completed primary education while 88 (46.6%) attended a tertiary institution. All the 189 participants have heard of NNJ, mainly from co-workers - 77 (40.7%) and hospital staff - 73 (38.6%). One hundred and seven respondents (56.6%) knew how to check a baby for NNJ correctly while only 12.2% knew some causes. Ninety-five (49.7%) did not know any danger sign of NNJ and 58 (30.7%) erroneously believed in the efficacy of drugs. Similarly 28 (14.8%) respondents wrongly believed in the use of unproven local remedy. None of the 189 would-be mothers knew any effective preventive measure. It is concluded that expectant mothers do not have adequate knowledge about NNJ. This can hinder effective management of jaundice in their unborn children. Greater public enlightenment campaign is recommended.
机译:新生儿黄疸(NNJ)是世界范围内的常见疾病,由于延误就医,许多受影响的婴儿脑部受损。为了评估准妈妈对NNJ的认识和了解,在尼日利亚西南部的一家三级医疗机构中登记了接受产前检查的妇女,并通过问卷进行了访谈。 189名参与者的平均年龄为30.1±5.2岁。中位数为2。其中25(13.2%)人完成了初等教育,而88人(46.6%)完成了高等教育。所有189位参与者都听说过NNJ,主要来自同事-77(40.7%)和医院工作人员-73(38.6%)。一百零七名受访者(56.6%)知道如何正确检查婴儿NNJ,而只有12.2%的人知道某些原因。百分之九十五(49.7%)不知道有NNJ的危险迹象,而58(30.7%)错误地相信药物的功效。同样,有28名(14.8%)的受访者错误地认为使用了未经证实的当地补救措施。 189名准母亲中没有一个知道任何有效的预防措施。结论是,准妈妈对NNJ没有足够的知识。这可能会阻碍未出生婴儿黄疸的有效管理。建议开展更多的公众启蒙运动。



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