首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Advanced Information Technology >A Framework for the Interconnection of Controller Area Network (Can) based Critical Care Units

A Framework for the Interconnection of Controller Area Network (Can) based Critical Care Units




Patient monitoring helps increasing the mortality by timely notification of exceeding vital signs. By usingthe vital sign data the critical care staff can make necessary life savinginterventions. This requires theunderlying network to be very robust so that timely and error free information flow can be guaranteed.Moreover there is a need for a cost effective and robustnetwork technology for continuous and real-timevital signs monitoring in resource constraint settings in developing countries. In this paper we proposed asystem of hospitals with interconnected intensive care units. Each intensive care unit employsControllerArea Network(CAN)as underlying technology for networking of bedside units. The data of these bedsideunits can be communicated with other hospital using higher level protocols such as Ethernet. This allowthe hospital staff to share the health information of the patients with the specialized staff in anotherhospital to provide better cure to the patient and consequently can increase the mortality
机译:病人监测可通过及时通知超过生命体征来帮助增加死亡率。通过使用生命体征数据,重症监护人员可以进行必要的挽救生命的干预措施。这要求基础网络非常健壮,以便保证及时,无错误的信息流。此外,需要一种经济高效且健壮的网络技术,用于在发展中国家的资源约束环境中进行连续和实时的生命体征监测。在本文中,我们提出了具有相互联系的重症监护病房的医院系统。每个重症监护病房均采用ControllerArea Network(CAN)作为床边病房联网的基础技术。这些床边单元的数据可以使用更高级别的协议(例如以太网)与其他医院进行通信。这使医院的工作人员可以与其他医院的专职人员共享患者的健康信息,从而为患者提供更好的治疗方法,从而增加死亡率



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