首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Advanced Information Technology >A Universal Bit Level Block Encoding Technique Using Session Based Symmetric Key Cryptography to Enhance the Information Security

A Universal Bit Level Block Encoding Technique Using Session Based Symmetric Key Cryptography to Enhance the Information Security




In this paper a session based symmetric key cryptographic algorithm has been proposed and it is termed as Matrix Based Bit Jumbling Technique (MBBJT). MBBJT consider the plain text (i.e. the input file) as a binary bit stream with finite number bits. This input bit stream is divided into manageable-sized blocks with different length. The bits of the each block fit diagonally upward starting from ( n , n ) cell in a right to left trajectory into a square matrix of suitable order n. Then the bits are taken from the square matrix column-wise from top to bottom to form the encrypted binary string and from this encrypted string cipher text is formed. Combination of the values of block length and the no. of blocks of a session generates the session key. For decryption the cipher text is considered as a stream of binary bits. After processing the session key information, this binary string is divided into blocks. The bits of the each block fit column-wise from top to bottom into a square matrix of order n. Now bits are taken diagonally upward starting from ( n , n ) cell in a right to left trajectory from the square matrix to form the decrypted binary string. Plain text is regenerated from this binary string. Comparison of MBBJT with existing and industrially accepted TDES and AES has been done.
机译:本文提出了一种基于会话的对称密钥密码算法,称为基于矩阵的比特跳动技术(MBBJT)。 MBBJT将纯文本(即输入文件)视为具有有限位数的二进制位流。该输入比特流被分成具有不同长度的可管理大小的块。每个块的位从右轨迹到左轨迹的(n,n)单元开始对角向上适合适当阶数n的方阵。然后从方矩阵的顶部到底部逐列取这些比特,以形成加密的二进制字符串,并从该加密的字符串密文中形成。块长度值与编号的组合会话块数生成会话密钥。为了解密,密文被视为二进制比特流。在处理了会话密钥信息之后,该二进制字符串被分为多个块。每个块的位从上到下按列拟合为n阶方阵。现在从方矩阵从右到左的轨迹从(n,n)单元开始对角向上获取位,以形成解密的二进制字符串。从此二进制字符串重新生成纯文本。 MBBJT已与现有的和工业上认可的TDES和AES进行了比较。



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