首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ageing and Later Life >Ricca Edmondson (2015). Ageing, Insight and Wisdom: Meaning and Practice across the Life Course. Bristol: Policy Press and Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 224 pp. ISBN 978 1 84742 559 1 (paperback)

Ricca Edmondson (2015). Ageing, Insight and Wisdom: Meaning and Practice across the Life Course. Bristol: Policy Press and Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 224 pp. ISBN 978 1 84742 559 1 (paperback)

机译:里卡·埃德蒙森(Ricca Edmondson)(2015)。老龄化,洞察力和智慧:整个人生历程中的意义和实践。布里斯托尔:政策出版社和芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,224页,ISBN 978 1 84742 559 1(平装)



What is wisdom? What does it mean to our lives and how might weunderstand its practice as we age? Is there something special, evennuminous, about ageing that confers upon us a power with deep insightsinto family and society? It has been a given in most cultures that becomingan elder means possessing something others who are younger do not have,a fount of experience that enables us to make judgments, model action,and practice behaviors that demonstrate intelligence, perception, andacumen. Elders are treated with special respect and listened to carefully inmany societies, feted grandly on 60th, 88th, and 100th birthdays.



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