首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Advanced Astronomy >New mechanism for the cosmological red-shift explaining: non-observation of dark energy, large-number- coincidence and the cosmic coincidence

New mechanism for the cosmological red-shift explaining: non-observation of dark energy, large-number- coincidence and the cosmic coincidence




Accepting Einstein’s General Relativity Theory, that the changes in the gravitational field can propagate at the speed of light, it is proposed here that: before an electron in an atom emits a photon, the energy ( h f 0 ) of the photon was a part of total energy of the atom; contributing to establish the gravitational-field around the atom. As soon as an electron in that atom emits a photon of energy h f 0 , and the photon starts moving away from the atom, the gravitational-field around the atom partly reduces, proportional to the photon’s energy h f 0 , and this wave of ‘reduced gravitational field’ propagates radially-outwards at the speed of light. And a part of energy of the photon gets spent in “filling” the ‘gravitational potential-well’ produced by its energy, when it was a part of energy of the atom. From the derivation presented here we find that the energy spent by the photon to “fill” the ‘gravitational potential-well’, during its inter-galactic journey manifests as the ‘cosmological red-shift’. And the so called ‘total-mass-of-the-universe'’ and ‘radius-of-the-universe'’ are just mathematically-equivalent mass and distance arising while converting electrostatic potential-energy into gravitational potential-energy. This is the reason why we find the large-number-coincidence (LNC). And since there is no expansion of the universe, there is no ‘cosmic coincidence’, that why only in this epoch we find the ‘large-number-coincidence’!
机译:接受爱因斯坦的广义相对论,即引力场的变化可以光的速度传播,在此提出:在原子中的电子发射光子之前,光子的能量(hf 0)是光子的一部分原子的总能量;有助于建立原子周围的引力场。一旦该原子中的电子发射出能量为hf 0的光子,并且光子开始远离原子移动,原子周围的引力场就会部分减小,与光子的能量hf 0成正比,并且该波'引力场以光速径向向外传播。当光子是原子能量的一部分时,光子的一部分能量被用于“填充”由其能量产生的“引力势阱”。从此处介绍的推导中,我们发现,光子在银河系间旅行过程中“填充”“引力势阱”所花费的能量表现为“宇宙学红移”。所谓的“宇宙总质量”和“宇宙半径”只是在将静电势能转换为重力势能时产生的数学上等效的质量和距离。这就是为什么我们找到大数重合(LNC)的原因。而且由于宇宙没有扩展,也就没有“宇宙巧合”,这就是为什么只有在这个时代我们才发现“大数巧合”!



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