首页> 外文期刊>Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies >Annus Mirabilis to The Ancient Mariner: Oceanic Environments and the Romantic Literary Imagination.

Annus Mirabilis to The Ancient Mariner: Oceanic Environments and the Romantic Literary Imagination.

机译:Annus Mirabilis到《古代水手:海洋环境与浪漫主义文学想象力》。



This paper examines the vexed relationship between Britain's maritime empire and its literature, beginning with the Anglo-Dutch wars of the late seventeenth century and ending with the Atlantic revolutions of the 1790s. Well before it became fact, if it ever did, voyage narratives such as those of Haklyut, Dampier, Shelvocke, and Defoe informed Britons of the shape of their empire, but also helped to inscribe an oceanic imaginary, situating Britain's “ship of state” at the head of maritime nations in commerce and naval power while placing individuals in a position from which to imagine spatial relationships across oceanic distances. John Dryden's Annus Mirabilis projects an aspirational history of the second Anglo-Dutch conflict, claiming England's control over a “British Ocean.” He imagines the future of England as a glorious and profitable trade route From London to the Indies, sailed by a mighty British fleet. Yet Dryden's verse suggests that the difficulties of establishing a productive oceanic empire are related to the elemental dangers of the sea; his poem wavers between celebration and warning. Composed at the far end of the century, but set in a timeless sea, is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Coleridge employs the tropes of the voyage narrative and the mythic ballad to set his merry ship afloat on the British Ocean; I argue that their journey circumscribes the history of the English maritime empire, including the deadly moral and material consequences of colonial adventuring, slavery, and war. What results is a voyage of discovery and commercial promise that turns deadly when the crew meets a death ship conjured out of voodoo lore; the encounter transforms the crew into soulless automatons, who threaten to contaminate their homeland upon return.
机译:本文研究了英国海洋帝国与文学之间的烦恼关系,其始于17世纪后期的英荷战争,直至1790年代的大西洋革命。在事实成真之前,如果有的话,诸如哈克利特(Haklyut),丹皮尔(Dampier),谢尔沃克(Shelvocke)和迪福(Defoe)的航海故事就将其帝国的形态告知了不列颠人,但也有助于刻画一种海洋的虚构,将英国的“国家之船”定位在商业和海军力量方面处于海事国家之首,同时将个人置于一个可以想象跨海洋距离的空间关系的位置。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)的《安娜·米拉比利斯(Annus Mirabilis)》描绘了第二次英荷冲突的理想历史,声称英格兰控制着“英国海洋”。他将英国的未来想象成一条由强大的英国船队航行的光荣而有利可图的贸易路线,从伦敦到印度群岛。然而,德莱顿(Dryden)的经文暗示,建立一个有生产力的海洋帝国的困难与海洋的基本危险有关。他的诗歌在庆祝和警告之间摇摆不定。塞缪尔·泰勒·科尔里奇(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)的《远古水手的降临》(Rime of the Ancient Mariner)构成于本世纪末,但时光流逝。科尔里奇(Coleridge)运用航海叙事的神话和神话般的民谣,将他的快乐船漂浮在大洋上。我认为,他们的旅程限制了英国海洋帝国的历史,包括殖民冒险,奴隶制和战争的致命道德和物质后果。结果是一次探索之旅和商业承诺,当机组人员遇见伏都教徒绝种的死船时变成致命的;这次相遇使船员变成了毫无灵魂的自动机,他们威胁要在返回时污染自己的家园。



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