首页> 外文期刊>InfoDesign : Brazilian Journal of Information Design = Brazilian Journal of Information Design >As variáveis intervenientes no comportamento informacional durante o wayfinding em hospitais: implica??es no design de sistemas de informa??o | Intervening variables in the informational behavior during healthcare wayfinding: implication for information systems design

As variáveis intervenientes no comportamento informacional durante o wayfinding em hospitais: implica??es no design de sistemas de informa??o | Intervening variables in the informational behavior during healthcare wayfinding: implication for information systems design




Na orienta??o espacial em hospitais os usuários deparam-se com diferentes barreiras na busca por informa??o que os auxilie a encontrar os locais desejados. Para o design de sistemas de wayfinding a compreens?o de tais barreiras pode subsidiar a gera??o de requisitos projetuais. Como meio de auxiliar essa compreens?o, este trabalho prop?e verificar quais as variáveis s?o identificadas pelos usuários de ambientes hospitalares na procura e uso de informa??o durante o wayfinding. Para tanto, inicialmente foram descritos aspectos sobre o processo de orienta??o espacial, localizados os artefatos gráfico-informacionais enquanto inputs cognitivos e apresentadas as variáveis intervenientes no comportamento de procura informacional. Na sequência foi realizada entrevistas com usuários para verifica??o dos aspectos interferentes na orienta??o espacial em hospitais. Os resultados apontaram as principais barreiras relativas as fontes de informa??o verbal e visual, apresentando a potencialidade dos dados obtidos na gera??o de requisitos para o design de sistemas de wayfinding.*****In spatial orientation in hospitals users are faced with different barriers in the information seek that helps them to find the desired places. For the design of wayfinding systems, the understanding of such barriers can subsidize the generation of design requirements. As a means of assiting this understanding, this paper proposes to verify which variables are identified by users of hospital environments in the search and use of information during the wayfinding. For this, it was initially described aspects of the spatial orientation process, located the graphic-informational artifacts as cognitive inputs and presented the intervening variables in the informational behaviour seek. Following interviews were conducted with users, in hospitals, to verify the interfering aspects in the wayfinding. The results pointed to the main barriers related to the verbal and visual information sources, showing the potential of the data obtained in the generation requirements for wayfinding systems design.



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