首页> 外文期刊>IDS Bulletin >Chinese Agriculture Development Cooperation in Africa: Narratives and Politics

Chinese Agriculture Development Cooperation in Africa: Narratives and Politics




Chinese agriculture engagements are redefining the ‘aid’ landscape, moving from a paradigm of development assistance to one of development cooperation mixed with investment. China's leadership asserts that this approach ‘infuses new life’ into South–South cooperation and ‘promote[s] the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order’ (GOV 2010: 2). Based on a review of documents and interviews with 30 informants, this article explores Chinese discourses, justifications and critiques underpinning China–Africa cooperation in agriculture. While mainstream Chinese discourse on China–Africa agriculture cooperation focuses on the mutual advantages and the opportunities these create, some are developing alternative frameworks for China–Africa agriculture cooperation. China's approach in African agriculture reflects both current debates and historical experiences of modernising and liberalising China's own rural economy. The article concludes that a more nuanced understanding of Chinese motivations can support constructive and active engagement by African partners with China.
机译:中国的农业活动正在重新定义“援助”格局,从发展援助的范式转变为发展合作与投资相结合的形式。中国领导人断言,这种方式“为南南合作注入了新的生命”,并“促进了建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序”(GOV 2010:2)。在对文件进行审查并与30名信息提供者进行访谈的基础上,本文探讨了支持中非农业合作的中国话语,理由和批评。尽管中国关于中非农业合作的主流论述都侧重于互利和这些机会创造的机会,但有些人正在为中非农业合作开发替代性框架。中国在非洲农业中的做法既反映了当前的辩论,也反映了使中国自己的农村经济现代化和自由化的历史经验。本文的结论是,对中国动机的更细微的了解可以支持非洲伙伴与中国进行建设性和积极的接触。



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