首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology >Technology Gaps Analysis in Integrated Management of Jasmine's Leaf Webworm (Nausinoe geometralis) in Tamil Nadu

Technology Gaps Analysis in Integrated Management of Jasmine's Leaf Webworm (Nausinoe geometralis) in Tamil Nadu

机译:泰米尔纳德邦茉莉花叶虫(Nausinoe geometralis)的综合管理中的技术差距分析



Investigations were conducted during 2015-2016, in major jasmine growing districts of Tamil Nadu, for assessing the distribution, infestation level and the relative importance of leaf webworm of jasmine, Nausinoe geometralis . The incidence was more in Madurai (28.75%) followed by Coimbatore (27.65%), Virdhunagar (25.42%) and Tiruneveli (25.36%) districts. Forty nine % respondents were aware of leaf webworm as a pest, but only nine % respondents ranked it as the most important pest. The technological gap indices (TGI) were high in adopting right frequency in spraying of chemicals (91%), usage of biological control agents (87%) and effective cultural practices viz ., regular raking of soil to destroy pupa (85%) and collection and destruction of fallen and discolored buds and flowers (82%). A majority of respondents (52.94%) had high level of technological gap, whereas, only 11.76% were in low level of technology gap. Thus, efforts should be taken to create awareness among jasmine growers for the use of eco-friendly bio-control methods against jasmine leaf webworm as well as other pests of jasmine.
机译:在2015-2016年期间,对泰米尔纳德邦主要茉莉花种植区进行了调查,以评估茉莉花(Nausinoe geometralis)茉莉花叶蠕虫的分布,侵染水平和相对重要性。马杜赖(28.75%),哥印拜陀(27.65%),维尔德纳加(25.42%)和蒂鲁内韦利(25.36%)地区的发生率更高。 49%的受访者知道叶蠕虫为害虫,但只有9%的受访者将其视为最重要的害虫。技术差距指数(TGI)高,采用正确的频率喷洒化学药品(91%),使用生物防治剂(87%)和有效的文化习俗,即定期耙土以破坏pu(85%)和收集和销毁掉落和变色的芽和花(82%)。大多数受访者(52.94%)的技术差距水平很高,而只有11.76%的技术差距水平较低。因此,应努力在茉莉花种植者之间提高意识,以使用环保的生物防治方法来对抗茉莉花叶网虫和其他茉莉花害虫。



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