首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology >Effectiveness of Community-based Forest Management Program as a Strategy on Forest Restoration in Cienda and San-Vicente, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines

Effectiveness of Community-based Forest Management Program as a Strategy on Forest Restoration in Cienda and San-Vicente, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines




This research was conducted in Cienda, Gabas and San Vicente, Kilim, Baybay City, Leyte. This study draws on the effectiveness of the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) program on the aforementioned communities through Cienda-San Vicente Farmers Association (CSVFA) as the CBFM holder. The assessment was based on the CBFM program’s main principle, “people first and sustainable forestry will follow”. Moreover, an interview schedule was used in collecting primary data. During the survey, the sampling method used was the combination of Slovin’s formula and Finite Population Correction (FPC), wherein 41 respondents were interviewed from the CSVFA members and 50 respondents from the non-members. All the data were encoded and results were analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Studies (SPSS). Moreover, independent samples t-test was used to compare the means of the two variables. However, other results of the data were simplified in a descriptive statistical analysis such as those data with no significant relationship between the two variables. Generally, it was noted that the effectiveness of the CBFM in the two communities was affected by various pillars which include the a) CSVFA and its b) tenurial instrument which is the CBFM agreement as the foundation of the program; c) innovation of natural resources and income-generating activities which serves as its wealth; and lastly, the d) governance which is responsible for the distribution of responsibilities and decision-making process.
机译:这项研究是在Leyte的Baybay市Kilim的Cienda,Gabas和San Vicente进行的。这项研究借鉴了Cienda-San Vicente农民协会(CSVFA)作为CBFM的持有者,对上述社区实施基于社区的森林管理(CBFM)计划的有效性。评估基于CBFM计划的主要原则“以人为本,可持续林业将遵循”。此外,访谈时间表用于收集主要数据。在调查过程中,使用的抽样方法是Slovin公式和有限人口校正(FPC)的组合,其中CSVFA成员采访了41名受访者,非成员则采访了50名受访者。所有数据均经过编码,并使用社会研究统计软件包(SPSS)对结果进行了分析。此外,使用独立样本t检验比较两个变量的均值。但是,数据的其他结果在描述性统计分析中得到了简化,例如那些在两个变量之间没有显着关系的数据。总的来说,人们注意到,CBFM在两个社区中的有效性受到各种支柱的影响,这些支柱包括:a)CSVFA及其b)权属工具,它是CBFM协议的基础; c)创新自然资源和创收活动,将其作为财富;最后是d)负责责任分配和决策过程的治理。



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