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What is new in Genitourinary Pathology? Recent developments and highlights of the new 2016 World Health Organization classification of tumors of the urinary system and male genital organs

机译:泌尿生殖系统病理学有什么新变化? 2016年世界卫生组织新分类泌尿系统肿瘤和男性生殖器官肿瘤的最新进展和重点



The recently published 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs stems from the accumulated knowledge and data collected during the last 12?years, since the previous edition of the WHO “blue book” 2004. The major changes in prostate pathology include the introduction of a novel grading system for prostate cancer (Grade Groups/International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grades 1–5), the recognition of intraductal carcinoma as a new entity, and the terminological changes regarding the neuroendocrine prostatic neoplasms. In bladder and urothelial tract, within the spectrum of flat and non-invasive lesions, a newly introduced term “urothelial proliferation of uncertain malignant potential” replaced the term “urothelial hyperplasia”, and the term “urothelial dysplasia” was better defined. A category of “invasive urothelial carcinoma with divergent differentiation” was introduced for tumors showing a component of “usual type” urothelial carcinoma combined with other morphologies. A new WHO/ISUP renal tumor grading system was recommended (Grade 1–4). The definition of renal papillary adenoma was modified and expanded to include papillary neoplasms measuring up to 1.5?cm. Several new epithelial renal tumors were recognized as new entities including: hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) syndrome–associated RCC, succinate dehydrogenase–deficient RCC, tubulocystic RCC, acquired cystic disease–associated RCC, and clear cell papillary RCC. In testis pathology, intratubular proliferations of testicular germ cell tumors were renamed as “germ cell neoplasia in-situ” (GCNIS), and the testicular neoplasms were divided into two main groups: derived from or unrelated to GCNIS. A major change in penile pathology was the introduction of a new classification of penile squamous cell carcinoma, based on the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV), which characterizes penile tumor subtypes as HPV-related or non-HPV-related. A similar distinction was introduced for the preneoplastic penile intraepithelial precursor lesion (PeIN) into non-HPV related (differentiated PeIN) and HPV-related types (undifferentiated PeIN). In this review, we provide a summary and highlight the changes in the genitourinary pathology introduced by the 2016 WHO blue book, and we also discuss some recent developments that may impact the practice of genitourinary pathology in the near future.
机译:最近发布的2016年世界卫生组织(WHO)泌尿系统肿瘤和男性生殖器官肿瘤分类是源于上一版WHO 2004年“蓝皮书”在过去12年中收集的知识和数据。前列腺病理学的主要变化包括引入新型的前列腺癌分级系统(等级组/国际泌尿外科病理学会(ISUP)1-5级),将导管内癌识别为新实体以及有关术语的改变。神经内分泌前列腺肿瘤。在平坦和非侵入性病变范围内,在膀胱和尿道中,新引入的术语“恶性潜能不确定的尿道上皮增生”代替了“尿路上皮增生”,而对术语“尿路上皮增生”的定义更好。对于显示“常规类型”尿路上皮癌成分与其他形态相结合的肿瘤,引入了“具有分化分化的浸润性尿路上皮癌”类别。建议使用新的WHO / ISUP肾肿瘤分级系统(1-4级)。修改并扩展了肾乳头状腺瘤的定义,以包括最大1.5?cm的乳头状肿瘤。几种新的上皮肾肿瘤被认为是新的实体,包括:遗传性平滑肌瘤病和肾细胞癌(RCC)综合征相关的RCC,琥珀酸脱氢酶缺陷的RCC,肾小管性RCC,后天性囊性疾病相关的RCC和透明细胞乳头状RCC。在睾丸病理学中,睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤的管内增生被重命名为“原位生殖细胞瘤”(GCNIS),睾丸肿瘤分为两大类:源自或与GCNIS不相关。阴茎病理学的一个重大变化是基于人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的存在,引入了一种新的阴茎鳞状细胞癌分类法,该分类法将阴茎肿瘤亚型表征为HPV相关或非HPV相关。肿瘤前阴茎上皮内前体病变(PeIN)引入了类似的区分,分为非HPV相关型(分化型PeIN)和HPV相关型(未分化型PeIN)。在本综述中,我们提供了摘要并突出了2016年世卫组织蓝皮书所介绍的泌尿生殖道病理学方面的变化,并且我们还讨论了可能会在不久的将来影响泌尿生殖道病理学实践的一些最新进展。



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