首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America >Physicochemical analysis of apple pulp from Mashaday variety during storage

Physicochemical analysis of apple pulp from Mashaday variety during storage




A research work was carried out during 2008 in department of Food Science and Technology Laboratory NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan. Physicochemical analyses were carried out for 15 days of intervals during 90 days of storage period. Chemical preservatives and antioxidants mixed in different concentrations were added to the pulp and packed in plastic containers, stored at room temperature. The treatments were To (apple pulp), T1 (apple pulp + 0.1% sodium benzoate + 0.1% citric acid), T2 (apple pulp + 0.1% sodium benzoate + 0.5% citric acid) and T3 (apple pulp + 0.1% potassium metabisulphite + 0.1% citric acid). The samples were studied for ascorbic acid, % acidity, pH, total soluble solids (TSS) and sugar acid ratio. A decrease was recorded in ascorbic acid content (18.96 to 12.93 mg/100g), sugar acid ratio (30.96 to 27.62), pH (3.59 to 3.25), while an increase was recorded in titratable acidity (0.32 to 0.41), TSS (9.75 0Brix to 11.39 0Brix). During organoleptic evaluation samples T3 was found most acceptable during storage. Statistical analysis showed that storage intervals and treatments had a significant (P<0.05) effect on physico-chemical analysis of apple pulp.
机译:2008年,在巴基斯坦白沙瓦的NWFP农业大学食品科学与技术实验室进行了一项研究工作。在90天的存储期内,每隔15天进行一次理化分析。将不同浓度的化学防腐剂和抗氧化剂混合到纸浆中,并包装在塑料容器中,并在室温下保存。处理为To(苹果浆),T1(苹果浆+ 0.1%苯甲酸钠+ 0.1%柠檬酸),T2(苹果浆+ 0.1%苯甲酸钠+ 0.5%柠檬酸)和T3(苹果浆+ 0.1%焦亚硫酸钾) + 0.1%柠檬酸)。研究样品的抗坏血酸,酸度%,pH,总可溶性固形物(TSS)和糖酸比率。抗坏血酸含量(18.96至12.93 mg / 100g),糖酸比率(30.96至27.62),pH(3.59至3.25)降低,而可滴定酸度(0.32至0.41),TSS(9.75)升高0Brix至11.39 0Brix)。在感官评估期间,发现样品T3在储存期间最可接受。统计分析表明,贮藏间隔和处理对苹果果肉的理化分析有显着影响(P <0.05)。



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