首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Nursing Science >Comprehension of Information for Informed Consent Among Hemato-Oncology Study Participants in Eldoret, Kenya

Comprehension of Information for Informed Consent Among Hemato-Oncology Study Participants in Eldoret, Kenya




The use of Informed consent (IC) became a prerequisite for research in response to abuses of human subjects during the last half-century, yet participant's comprehension of presented information is rarely explored. Major ethical concerns arise when information offered is not well comprehended by research participants. It is therefore a fundamental concern for all researchers to ensure that there is good comprehension of informed consent information in biomedical researches hence the current study endeavored to evaluate the comprehension of information for informed consent by Hemato- Oncology study participants. A descriptive cross sectional study design was used where systematic and convenience sampling techniques were used to sample the mothers who had assented to the study and research assistants involved in recruiting (recruiters) respectively. Two sets of semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 201 mothers and 6 recruiters, separately. Data from mothers and recruiters was collected for a period of one month and analyzed using descriptive and non- parametric correlation technique of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). The response rate was 187 (93%) and 6 (100%) for the mothers and research assistants respectively. The mean age of the mothers was 28 ± 2.24 years with most having either secondary 89 (48%) or college education 67 (36%). Their preferred language of communication was English 165 (88%) or Kiswahili 22 (12%). The mean comprehension index of IC contents by the mothers was 73.27% (Std. Dev: 28.72%). Recruiters who had more than one year experience in research used ≥ 30 min in IC process compared to ≥ 1 hour for those who had been in research for less than one year. Low comprehension levels were found among older mothers (≥ 35 years) and those with primary education, however, comprehension was higher in participants who considered the consent form to be of appropriate length 181 (97), written in an easy to understand language 173 (96) and preferably written in English 165 (88%). The level of comprehension among the mothers on IC contents was relatively high with a few recording low comprehension. Age, education level, language of transmission, length and readability of the consent form as well as recruiter experiences were all found to influence comprehension of IC information.
机译:在过去的半个世纪中,使用知情同意(IC)成为研究针对滥用人类行为的研究的先决条件,但很少探索参与者对所呈现信息的理解。当研究参与者不能很好地理解所提供的信息时,就会产生重大的伦理问题。因此,对所有研究者来说,基本的关注是要确保在生物医学研究中对知情同意书信息有良好的理解,因此,本研究致力于评估血液肿瘤研究参与者对知情同意书的信息理解程度。使用描述性横断面研究设计,其中使用系统和便利的抽样技术分别对同意参加研究的母亲和参与招募的研究助手(招聘人员)进行抽样。分别对201名母亲和6名招聘人员进行了两套半结构化问卷调查。收集来自母亲和招聘人员的数据,为期一个月,并使用多重对应分析(MCA)的描述性和非参数相关技术进行分析。母亲和研究助理的回应率分别为187(93%)和6(100%)。母亲的平均年龄为28±2.24岁,大多数具有中学89岁(48%)或大学学历67岁(36%)。他们首选的交流语言是英语165(88%)或斯瓦希里语22(12%)。母亲对IC含量的平均理解指数为73.27%(标准偏差:28.72%)。具有一年以上研究经验的招聘人员在IC过程中使用了30分钟以上的时间,而从事研究不到一年的人员则花费了1小时以上的时间。在年龄较大的母亲(≥35岁)和接受过初等教育的母亲中,理解水平较低,但是,认为同意书的长度为181(97)以易于理解的语言书写的参与者中,其理解水平较高173( 96),最好用英语165(88%)书写。母亲对IC含量的理解水平相对较高,少数人对IC的理解水平较低。研究发现,年龄,学历,传播语言,同意书的长度和可读性以及招聘人员的经验都会影响对IC信息的理解。



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