首页> 外文期刊>American journal of applied sciences >Contribution of Rural Women to Family Income Through Participation in Microcredit: An Empirical Analysis | Science Publications

Contribution of Rural Women to Family Income Through Participation in Microcredit: An Empirical Analysis | Science Publications




> Problem statement: Rural women in Bangladesh have a lower socio-economic status and very limited access to income generating activities due to a number of social, cultural and religious barriers. Consequently, they have less opportunity to contribute to their family income. Rural women are economically dependent and vulnerable and socially discriminated. Microcredit programme provides loans to the rural poor women in order to undertake small financial and business activities that allow them to generate income. This income earning opportunity helps the rural women to contribute to their family income and achieve a level of independence. Approach: In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the impact of microcredit programme on rural womens contribution in improving the household income. The study is based on empirical data collected through interview from the two groups of rural women e.g. with credit and without credit rural women. The with credit respondents represent the rural women who have taken loan from the Grammeen Banks microcredit programme. The results show that the proportion of the with credit rural women who contributed to family income is much higher (19%) than that of without credit rural women (10%). A multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify the factors influencing the respondents contribution to the total monthly family income. Results: The multiple regression analysis shows that there were strong positive effects of age of respondent, level of education, family size, earning member, occupation of respondents and also monthly income of respondents while status of marriage has a strong negative effect. It was found that majority of the with credit respondents contribute much higher to the family incomes than the without credit respondents. It was also found that with credit rural women have improved their socio-economic status and income generating activities by participating microcredit programmes of Grameen Bank. Conclusion: It is concluded that women can contribute to increase in family income which is essential for survival of the rural poor families. Therefore, the MFIs should create provision of credit for women to get them involved in income generation activities.
机译: > 问题陈述:由于许多社会,文化和宗教障碍,孟加拉国的农村妇女社会经济地位较低,从事创收活动的机会非常有限。因此,他们获得家庭收入的机会较少。农村妇女在经济上是依赖的,易受伤害并受到社会歧视。小额信贷方案向农村贫困妇女提供贷款,以进行少量的金融和商业活动,使她们能够创收。这种创收机会有助于农村妇女增加家庭收入并实现独立。 方法:在本研究中,已尝试评估小额信贷计划对农村妇女对提高家庭收入的贡献的影响。该研究基于通过访谈从两组农村妇女中收集的经验数据,例如:有信用和没有信用的农村妇女。信用良好的受访者代表从Grammeen银行小额信贷计划获得贷款的农村妇女。结果表明,有信用的农村妇女为家庭收入做出贡献的比例(19%)比没有信用的农村妇女(10%)高得多。进行了多元回归分析,以确定影响受访者对家庭每月总收入的贡献的因素。 结果:多元回归分析显示,被调查者的年龄,受教育程度,家庭规模,收入成员,被调查者的职业以及被调查者的月收入均具有很强的积极影响,而婚姻状况却呈负相关。强烈的负面影响。结果发现,大多数有信用的受访者对家庭收入的贡献要比无信用的受访者高得多。还发现,有了信贷,农村妇女通过参加格莱en银行的小额信贷方案,改善了其社会经济地位和创收活动。 结论:结论是,妇女可以为增加家庭收入做出贡献,这对农村贫困家庭的生存至关重要。因此,小额信贷机构应为妇女提供信贷,以使她们参与创收活动。



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