首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Business Management >The economic and logistic benefits of online business registration for Congolese immigrants in Cape Town

The economic and logistic benefits of online business registration for Congolese immigrants in Cape Town




Computer has revolutionalised the ways businesses are conducted across the globe and brought about the business to business (B2B) e-commerce revolution, which accelerated the process of globalisation.? B2B e-commerce has been adopted in the Europe (EU), United States of America (USA), India, New Zealand and South Africa (SA) to enhance business registration and promotions. However, this development is not yet applicable in Congo-Brazzaville. However, owing to the nature of Congolese immigrants’ small micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs) in Cape Town, online business registration is necessary to enable them to save in respect of supply chain management costs and contributions to the country’s economic reconstruction process. Hence, the Centre for Business and Administrative Procedures (CFBAP): Centre des Formalités Administratives des Entreprises (CFE), should consider the B2B e-commerce website as an important objective. At a national level, e-commerce website adoption at CFBAP will leverage the country’s standards of conducting business, as well as stimulate?Congolese immigrant entrepreneurs in Cape Town to invest in Congo-Brazzaville.
机译:计算机彻底改变了企业在全球范围内开展业务的方式,并带来了企业对企业(B2B)电子商务革命,从而加速了全球化进程。 B2B电子商务已在欧洲(EU),美利坚合众国(USA),印度,新西兰和南非(SA)采用,以增强企业注册和促销。但是,这种发展尚不适用于刚果-布拉柴维尔。但是,由于开普敦刚果移民的中小型企业(SMME)的性质,必须进行在线商业注册,以使他们节省供应链管理成本以及对该国经济重建进程的贡献。因此,商业和行政程序中心(CFBAP):企业行政管理中心(CFE)应该将B2B电子商务网站视为重要目标。在全国范围内,CFBAP上电子商务网站的采用将利用该国开展业务的标准,并刺激开普敦的刚果移民企业家向刚果布拉柴维尔投资。



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